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We had a kid throw 94 the other year as a junior. I have also seen juniors from other schools throwing mid to high 80's. We also had one throwing mid 80's as a junior a few years back. Last year we had a sophmore throwing high 80's (he was clocked at 90 in the fall before). I don't know what our other sophmore was throwing but I am sure it was somewhere in the 80's as he wasn't much slower.
I don't know exactly what one boy threw as a junior, but he was clocked at 95 as a senior. He went to a small country school about 90 min. from here and they dominated their level that year. Won the state championship. He went on to pitch D1 in college and was drafted last year (fifth round I believe).
So, what is fast for a junior? Around here it would be high 80's, touching 90 or so. From what I hear in other parts of the country, it may be more like 80, touching low 80's on a good day. One can only do the best they can do for themselves and not worry how others are doing. Yes, colleges at certain levels look hard at velocity, but it isn't everything for everyone. How else did Jamie Moyer pitch in the Majors?
Now for all the speed I see around here, I also saw a kid start for a local school that must have been throwing 50's or something. He had an arc to his fastball to get it to the plate. So....... when one talks of average HS speed, these types must throw a monkey wrench into the equation!

Tim Robertson
HS Dad,
Not to sound like a pessamist, but when I'm out recruiting there are not that many guys throwing over 85. I would say on most HS teams, there is only 1 guy thowing over 85, and if there is two the team should be dominate. When you get to private schools even it's not much different. My staff is out alot, and we see a bunch of guys that are 81-83. I wouldn't call that fast necessarily but typical. I always wonder where all these guys are that throw mid to high 80's. They sure don't come to college throwing there at any level. Most local DI's aces don't touch 90 in this area. I've always said it, velocity is nice, but I believe the name of the game is getting 27 outs. A nasty changeup will make an 81 mph fastball look like its 86. Work with what you've got and focus on getting people out!
I second what VJC said. Our school, 2800 students, last season had one JR kid over 85. He hit 87 during games. The other pitchers were from 80-85 tops. Our chief rival, approx 3100 students, had two JRs that could reach around 85-87. The others were all lower 80's game speed. From travel ball in our area, there was the 90+ guy on a very few teams and the best team may have had more than one but in general they were mostly 80-88 in the games.

The top rated junior pitcher in our area, a lefty, could hit 93-95 during a game. I believe he was rated as one of the top half dozen pitchers in the US by PG. He had 7 pro scouts a scrimmage game last week. He is projected to go 1st or 2nd round if he foregoes college.
Last edited by Michael'sDad
"Average" is a tough question, because if it's an average HS program with players (jrs) who are seasonal, average kids; then I agree that the "average" would not be at a D1 can find plenty HS juniors who are at top-level HS, summer and fall baseball programs that sit in the upper 80s with control; reaching even into the 90s. These are players who are committed to the game year around.

I can rattle off 12 juniors from four schools in the DC metro area (MD/SouthernMD, VA & DC) who fit the above description.

The caveat, however, is that these are dedicated players who have been playing at a high level and taking instruction for a long time.

St. John's in DC has two junior pitchers (Silverstein, Adams) who I just saw throw a bullpen and there was nothing under 85 on the Juggs. LJ Hoes, who is known for his MLB caliber bat can also get on the mound and fire them off in the upper 80s.

Riverdale; you've got Winegardner who can bring it over 90 and sits around 88 - 89...he's a sophomore.

Go Moco...Brady @ Gburg, Fecto @ Wootton

If you want to count seniors...oh boy...where does the list start?

I think Al McCormick could attest to this fact, as he works with many of the top local kids.

If anyone wants a list of legitimate Jrs who can bring it, PM me.

I could go on...Hibbs, Devito...

Last edited by CapitalBaseball
Brady is real deal. The boy is flat out solid. Hopefully he chooses the right program to help him. Columbia Reds or Maryland Monarchns. The has no hype to him at all and is preseason all state throwing 88-92 on the stalker and juggs gun so he is legit. Good luck to Kyle as this season should bring good things.
Next, on the list is Windgardner, Webb, Hibbs, Devito, Patten, Silverstein, Adams, Beck, Kitches.
In no particular order.
Of course I am biased to Maryland as this is a Maryland forum, but I am not sure Webb is in Maryland.
Velocity wise I think it is Windgardner, Brady, Webb,(lhp) Hibbs, Silvertein(lhp) as the top 3 or 4 but do not count the others out in terms of velocity.
Originally posted by soxfan:
The has no hype to him at all

I couldn't agree more in that Kevin Brady is a very humble, polite and gracious young man. There was some talk/rumors that Oklahoma was very interested in him. He's the real deal.

His dad knows that game and was very involved with GSA (Gaithersburg Sports Association). Even with Stoltz infamous reputation, GSA has been able to counter with some class baseball people such as Kevin's dad John Brady, Kyle's dad Rick Judson and Alfie Riley...all top people who put in a lot of effort, thus that program has produced a lot of top caliber players.
Bear notes:
- K. Brady and S. Silverstein are early signs in Nov 07 (or earlier if 'unofficial' commitment is warranted) and if at mid-major conferences then that pretty much sums that up).

[OBTW] SS appears interested in WFU, as WFU has expressed interest in the St. Johns '08 graduate

(ex. Clear Springs HS '03 A. Mills and unsigned as a College Jr and flat out missed.)

- Both appear content playing HS and summer ball where they have been and will probably not jump to other independents or summer clubs, or post HS academies. (i.e. W Whitman's HS '07 staff ace to attend Notre Dame Academy for self-proclaimed player development!)

- Adams will get valuable experience watching his Dad's wood bat summer club at Cabin John, yet should pitch regular, once per week, with his peers.

- And who remembers that all-time ($10.2M '96) signing bonus yet 'retired' Waynesboro HS, PA, RHP Matt E. White who turns 30 in August, and should not be confused with the LHP Matt J. White, currently in the Dodgers organization, who is worth over $2 B after buying a plot of land in MA which contains lots of expensive mineral rock.

- If a LHP outpitches a projected #1 RHP selection in the June draft, does that mean the LHP will be drafted?

Last edited by Bear

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