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CASon went to a college camp over Thanksgiving weekend where the coaches are well respected. After the camp I asked the Baseball Ops guy what we had to do to get CASon's player Eval and he said that we'd have to send an e-mail asking for it and that it should get to us pretty quickly. CASon sent an e-mail that Monday to the recruiting coordinator and then when he didn't hear anything back left a voice message last week. He hasn't heard any reply. A week ago I sent an e-mail to the Basbeall Ops guy to ask if CASon had sent his e-mail to the right coach and he never replied.

I'd like to ask those of you who have experience with college camps if this is typical?
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It's been our experience that the evaluation return process time period varies. Some universities have handed them to us as early as at the end of the camp, others took several weeks to mail to us. Some post on their website.

Most recent camp,....we waited almost 3 weeks. Son's evaluation came back with his name and number on the evaluation, but with a slower than normal 60 time, mediocure batting evaluation,....and a STUNNNING pitching evaluation.

Only one problem,....
son isn't, and has never been, a pitcher. Eek

Son e-mailed coaches about the issue and is waiting on a reply. Its been over a week, and we are still waiting, ever so patiently. Wink
Last edited by shortstopmom
I got a note today from the recruiting coordinator asking if we had gotten the eval and apologizing for the delay. I thought that was a nice thing for him to do. I wanted to make sure I noted that in case anyone put 2 & 2 together and figured out what school I was talking about.

Now we'll just have to see if we get an eval for a shortstop instead of a pitcher. If so, I'll trade you shortstopmom. Smile
Despite their sending an e-mail on the 18th we still haven't gotten CASon's player eval. Seems to be a common issue. We were pretty high on this school based on what we'd heard about the coaching staff but unless the player eval shows up pretty soon we'll have to assume they aren't worth worrying about.

Well I sent another e-mail and got an e-mail back right away. That was good. The e-mail looked to be a cc of an e-mail asking someone else to look for the eval. That was good. The e-mail said "I know this is low priority, but..." That was bad. Do people not know what message that sends or do they just not care?
Last edited by CADad
CADad....I personally believe it is a reflection on the coaching staff of the school who put the showcase on as to their organizational skills, integrity, time management, etc. It almost wreaks as just a money-making/fundraising venture for them and not a true evaluation/recruiting event.

By the sound of the email, it appears that no one wants or is willing to take responsibility to deliver the end product that was promised to the player and parents. How else can you know how to market your son without this valuable information, etc.

Just like everything we as parents and player have to take in account about a school, program, and coach, I think this reflects very poorly on them and needs to be taken in account about going there.
I had the same impression myself but I just got an e-mail back from the coach with a full evaluation of CASon's pitching and a detailed explanation of each issue I brought up in my e-mail to him. If these guys are doing it just for the money I'd have to guess that the players are getting their money's worth.
Last edited by CADad
Perhaps you are right. Maybe it was a lack of organization especially if it happened to be their first or second one.

Your point about finding a hidden "diamond in the rough" recruit was felt this past summer by our family as well. Let me first say that I agree with your observation about them finding that kid at these showcases.

We had attended one up in Tennessee at a Minor league park in July with close to 250 boys in attendance. College and pro scouts out the wahzoo there to observe and even help. After about the first round of hitting and pitching for all the boys I happen to look up in the "nose bleed" sections to see over 1/2 the coaches up there eating lunch. After lunch I looked up there and lo & behold they were still up there! I sat there in a quandary as to why this was and it hit me like a ton of bricks. That "one" they were hoping was out there wasn't there! I admit at first it disappointed me because I thought it seemed a bit disrespectful to the players still out there, the parents, and even somewhat to the staff putting on the event. As time passed I calmed down and realized that they were seeking a certain kind of kid for their team, he wasn't there, no need to get in the way, etc. After all they are recruiters.

By the way, I also didn't see any 90mph hurlers and only 1 bomb the entire day.
by CaDad: went to a college camp over Thanksgiving weekend where the coaches are well respected. After the camp I asked the Baseball Ops guy what we had to do to get CASon's player Eval and he said that we'd have to send an e-mail asking for it and that it should get to us pretty quickly
keep in mind that camps are geared to the teaching and instruction of younger players and the important eval and feedback happens one-on-one and face-to-face during instruction

only recently have parents requested (insisted really) on a written form that they can put on the fridge or use to validate a certain skill level of their player to others.

I can see why some are hesitant .. some parent waving a form signed by "State U Coach" in the hs or travel coach's face to justify whatever complaint that parent has

basicly they could mimeograph a big pile of evals in advance and hand em to you when you leave

they'd say, "good fundamentals .. work on arm strength & swing ... etc"

oh yea, add - "get bigger & stronger"

one more add - "we hope to see your improvement at our next camp, the registration form is at the bottom of this page"
Last edited by Bee>
They were trying to get the full eval to me which I really didn't care about. I just wanted to see this coach's impression of CASon as a pitcher, because I'm a dad and therefore biased. Once he knew that was all I needed he got it to me in a heartbeat. I think that the person handling the other part of the evaluations may have had other things going on that made it difficult to get out the evaluations.

That's a good point about holding it over a coach. I'll have to make sure I don't try to do that. It wouldn't do much good trying to hold it over him because the HS coach has already said many of the same things the college coach did.
Last edited by CADad

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