Don't drink the cool-aid! Check out the picture below posted of Cy-Fair. Stadiums like this (and like ours) are not built by fans, they are built by tax -payers in bond elections. Our football team doesn't even come close to paying for their facilities, equipment and such from selling tickets...lol.
But once that stadium is paid for, how much money does the program bring in? I'll bet much more than the baseball program. You still haven't answered the question.
And what people fail to realize is there is a HUGE difference between football and baseball. Baseball is about the baseball players. No one else. High school baseball is all about the players. Football is not. Football is a community thing. You've got the band, the cheerleaders, the dance teams, and you close down communities for Friday Night Lights. Oh, I guess I should probably mention the 50-100 players on the field too..
There's a reason taxpayers pay for these things. Football brings in more people than any other sport and even if it's not making a ton of money, I'll almost guarentee it's making more than most other sports.