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Right now I am a HS Freshman and I throw in the high 60's to low 70's maxing at 73 MPH. I have been going to a pitching instructor and he told me that I need to get my arm back more. Also I need to release the ball a little bit more out in front. Finally I need to tuck my glove in when I follow through instead of just letting the glove hang out. How much do you think my velocity would increase if I did all these things? I realize that it is very hard to predict without a video of myself but could you guys please at least give a guess.
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It's all about arm speed my friend. You either have it, or you don' can develop it to a certain degree, but the name of the game in terms of velocity is arm speed and how fast the ball is spinning when it comes out of your fingers.

This instructor sounds like he is doing the right things with your mechanics in order to increase your velocity. But, like Texan said, it's almost impossible to speculate on that.
Last edited by Dillon
None of these are things that would necessarily increase velocity unless you are really shortarming the ball to an extreme or something of the sort. They are all things that possibly could help you be a better pitcher. There's no way we can know. You throw at a pretty decent velocity for a freshman so I'd recommend you follow Texan's advice on this one.

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