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We are 10 practices into our HS Season and we have had 1 day of hitting and 2 short tee sessions.   How often do  high school teams hit.   I thought 100 swings a day was like brushing your teeth or showering, just good hygiene.

In the day,  I remember hitting every day at lunch then again at practice and again on Sundays. 

So after practice, we get a quick bite and off to the cages,  1st game in 19 days and we haven't had an outdoor hitting session.


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cabbage1 posted:

We are 10 practices into our HS Season and we have had 1 day of hitting and 2 short tee sessions.   How often do  high school teams hit.   I thought 100 swings a day was like brushing your teeth or showering, just good hygiene.

In the day,  I remember hitting every day at lunch then again at practice and again on Sundays. 

So after practice, we get a quick bite and off to the cages,  1st game in 19 days and we haven't had an outdoor hitting session.

There’s no such thing as a hitter who can’t improve, but I can think of many reasons why a HS team might not practice hitting. Why don’t you ask the HC? He’s the only person who would know for sure.

What are your facilities and how many players?  That will determine a lot for how you do things.  Our old middle school is right beside our campus but they moved to another building this year so we took over their building.  We took their old band room and created an indoor hitting facility.  We have a 35 foot net and two sock nets.  There is also space for soft toss into the cage.  It's not a lot but we will do 4 stations - cage, two socks and soft toss - with 3 guys each and have 12 guys get cuts in.

We also have two cages by our dugout and we do tee / soft toss at the same time.  We also are able to hit on the field as well.  When my guys leave the field I want them to have around 70 plus cuts of some sort.  But the flip side is that coaches can't watch them all the time so they have to take ownership in doing things right.  

We hit every single day and with getting outside we don't use the indoor unless it's bad outside.  Last few days I've had my varsity hit stations / cage work then finish on the field.  We want 80% of the hitting to take place in stations and not on the field.  BP on the field is about getting better timing and putting all the parts together.

In our tee, soft and front toss we try to work inside and outside.  We call it A (inside), B (down the middle) and C (outside) and always talking about "hey was that A or C" or "hit A out front and let C travel".

You should hit every single day and you should work hitting fundamentals everyday

cabbage1 posted:

We are 10 practices into our HS Season and we have had 1 day of hitting and 2 short tee sessions.   How often do  high school teams hit.   I thought 100 swings a day was like brushing your teeth or showering, just good hygiene.

In the day,  I remember hitting every day at lunch then again at practice and again on Sundays. 

So after practice, we get a quick bite and off to the cages,  1st game in 19 days and we haven't had an outdoor hitting session.


Son's HS team (he graduated in 2012) did 200 swings per day between soft toss, Tee and the cage.  At least once a week live hitting on the field once the season started.  With 2-3 games per week that only left 2-3 practices to get hitting and defensive practice in.   They would also hit the cage just before a game to warm up.

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