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BK, contacting coaches at other schools (even at JUCOs where there are no rules prohibiting such contact) during the season can have consequences such as your son possibly being removed from his team if word gets back to his current coaching staff. 

If you're interested in more details about all the steps in the transfer process, you're welcome to contact me at 913-766-1235 or at

Playball2011: He would only go to the Juco for one year. Since he is completing his freshman season at a 4 year college, he would only go one season (sophomore year) at the 2 year college. Then attend his junior and senior years at another 4 year college. Hence the term 4-2-4. This is somewhat common in college baseball as it allows kids to play without sitting out a season.

One kid I know played his first year at a D1, and transferred to a Juco for his sophomore season. Before he arrived at the Juco, he had already committed to another in-state D1 for his junior year. So, after his sophomore season at the juco, he will go to the new four year college he has already signed with.

An unusual case is a kid I know who is returning to the same 4 year school he started at. Played his freshman year at the 4 year, and switched to a juco for his sophomore season in hopes of getting drafted. When that didn't happen, he returned to the original school.

A lot depends also on how many credits are lost in transfer.

Remember, the goal should be to graduate in 4 years.

I don't understand why it's so hard to understand true freshman usually aren't starters.  You have to expect going into a program, you have to earn playing time. If you were promised more, that is just a way to get you away from another program.


How many innings has he pitched?  How did he do in Fall?

Are you seeing other Freshmen playing/pitching a lot? Is he being sent to Summer League?

to add to what TMP said, even if a Freshman starts doesn't mean they will all four yrs.   had a local kid start at a strong D1 as a Freshman and now as Jr he has lost position to a better player. Always someone behind you that's just as good or better. 

Couldnt son go to a D2 right away and play 3 yrs, or are you expecting he ll get to another D1?  What would he tell new coach recruiting him as to why he left first D1(that he didn't get enough play time as a Fresh)? Would seem easier to get degree only transferring once. 

Sorry for so many ? Just curious how it all works.

Good Luck

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