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These comments were posted in our local daily newspaper today by a college baseball columnist. Just curious how others would respond to the comments.

"OU, OSU, Tech and A&M scored a combined 67 runs last Sunday alone in victories over league opponents. No wonder so many people have trouble taking college baseball seriously."
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My boys have graduated from high school but now I have a daughter playing varsity softball. On occasion, the teams play on fields that are adjacent, but with home plate in opposite corners. It is downright dangerous with the balls being rocketed off of the boys' aluminum bats into the softball field, certainly into the outfield and sometimes into the infield. The girls are defenseless against a hard hit line drive.

The argument "but that's where we've always played" doesn't cut it anymore, not with the highly engineered aluminum bats and the boys' training and all....... As much as I bring it to their attention, some girl is going to get hurt. But I sure hope not. High schools need to go back to wooden bats.

CORRECTION: Baseball in general needs to go back to wooden bats.
Last edited by play baseball
How about the players that get hit by line drives off wood bats? Have you got stats on that?


You are talking about girls on another field---what the heck does that have to do with this discussion

By the way the way this a called the HSBASEBALLWEB and I amd great fan of ladies sports---but please do not muddy the waters
Last edited by TRhit
Oh TR, I am so sorry that I posted my concern about aluminum bats under the two prior comments about aluminum bats. My bad. I should have posted it in the Ladies Only Forum, where you don't post.

Per your advice, I also should not apologize for posting my concern.

ATTENTION ALL MODERATORS!!!!! This is a high school baseball site!!!!!! Please delete ALL forums, threads, and posts not relating to high school baseball!!!!!!!!!! This includes the Idol'sAgain'08, all posts regarding the Minor League season and players (not high school baseball players anymore), all posts regarding college teams, including the College World Series (again, not high school baseball), the "After High School", "Pre-High School", of course "Men Only", since it's for "Men Only-- Players and Women Stay Away." And in particular, the Little "Ladies Only" even though certain select men do enter at their own risk. Delete first, please, all threads and posts relating to music, especially the Archies, Strangelove, and my personal favorite, Spirit.


Just kidding, moderators.
Last edited by play baseball
Originally posted by TRhit:
How about the players that get hit by line drives off wood bats? Have you got stats on that?


You are talking about girls on another field---what the heck does that have to do with this discussion

By the way the way this a called the HSBASEBALLWEB and I amd great fan of ladies sports---but please do not muddy the waters

Geez TR, you are the one always "muddying the waters" around here. How 'bout your intrusion into the Ladies Lounge, and the many non-HSBBW comments you make? I, for one, am finding the badgering and righteousness tiresome.
Look at what I said

Where are you stats showing more get injured by aluminum than wood/

As for the ladies on the softball field, why dont the schools offer protection and preventive measures---

I was at an event last year with wood bats with four fields in a round layout---I was nowhere near the field and got hit in the back of the neck by a baseball--nobody saw it coming--nobody yelled "HEADS" , even the people I was talking with---a couple of inches up and I am dead or at the very least paralyzed--so dont lecture to me about do right and do wrong and who trolls and who doesn't---lets get real---look at the numbers over all the years folks--

All of you who want to jump on me you are welcome--- but make sure you land where you want to --if you miss it might hurt--LOL
Typical of hack journalism. Let's cherry pick some statistic and then make a baseless conclusion based on those. The writer might have easily blamed an overactive hurricane season on all the swinging of aluminum bats. Or perhaps the energy extended by lighting up all those lights on the scoreboard is now a major contributor to global warming.

We have two newspapers in Chicago. One's sport sections motto is "don't make no waves", while the others is, "say whatever it takes to sell papers". Neither one contributes very much to objective journalism.
Typical of hack journalism. Let's cherry pick some statistic and then make a baseless conclusion based on those.

CPLZ, my thoughts exactly. I wondered if others saw it the same way.

I also was put off by his statement, "No wonder so many people have trouble taking college baseball seriously." IMHO, college baseball should enjoy tremendous respect. College players hustle in every possible way -- on and off the field -- and their work ethic puts to shame that of some pro players.

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