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Son is a senior this year. He very coachable. I do not know what to look for in his hitting. It is hard for me to give him any advice since I lack any expertise. He may need a tweak here or there or he could be doing great. He has come to see this site as a great resource. So any suggestions or a at a boy will be greatly appreciated.
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He looks pretty good! I just see a couple of small things. One, I would try to get him to push his left hand back a bit more just before he starts to drop his heel. Two, he either needs to open his front toe a little more before heel plant or turn his front knee more toward the Pitcher before he starts to bring the bat to the ball. He isn't getting the full effect of a strong front side because he's not firming up his front knee.

These are very small fixes and they should counter act each other as far as timing goes.

Good luck!
I agree with power & dulles, but want to just add a little something. I see a couple things that are symptoms and one thing that is a cause...

Symptoms - 1)Head moving up and down too much during swing. You see this pretty dramatically on (i think)third frame which is the ground ball. Steady head=steady eyes=better pitch recognition=solid contact. 2) Back side from the back knee all the way up to head has too much lean. Need to straighten it up. This will keep hands/bat driving down into ball along with help with head movement, as previously noted.

Cause (just my opinion) - flex in front knee. It goes from a little too much flex when he is loading and starting too fully locked at contact. In my opinion (and this is just an opinion) consistency in the front side, specifically the knee, is key to keeping a solid stable flat back side and head. Also, you want the front flex to be just short of locked; a little flex, but nice and strong will increase torque in the hips.

Sorry this is so long, but it is baseball and baseball is a talking sport. Best of luck!
I also think power is right. I think he has a little bat wrapping is going on and that is due to him not triggering with his hands. What kids have a problem with is when they trigger or load with there whole body is it causes them to wrap the bat to much and that is about 6 ot 12 inches of bat movement that can be done away with the proper trigger. I would like to his weight stay on the inside of his front foot for a stronger front side. maybe a little less head movement, when the head moves to much hitters have to relocate the ball. Again the head movement is due to the trigger being his whole body moving. This things may help,but over all the swing is good just a few minor things.

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