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As most of you know, there has been some talk about the HR record. Some say Rodger Maris still owns it, some say if Ryan Howard hits 62 he should be the real record holder.

what do you think?

Trust me, I think Bonds, Sosa and Mac Juiced....but until they admit it in front of a grand jury or bonds fails a test...nothing can be done. If you look at it from a common sense point of view....Bonds gained like 40 LBS one off season, Sosa was square, Mac looked like a giant....but we dont base things in this country off common sense....look at the OJ case. Im not to sure of the rules, but at one point werent steriods not in the league policy or not tested for? What it comes down to is this may all be a witch hunt with nothing coming out of it. Its like back in the day when they would try to take down the mafia, and they would come out of it getting a small timer. Not the best analogy but O well!

To me, that main problem with this isnt the pro's...its the high school and college kids that see this and think thats what it takes to make it. (Moderator deleted comment re: specific high school - inappropriate.)
Bill Dwoinen Jr Assistant Coach Melrose Indians Baseball
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With human growth hormone still, I believe, undetectable and not even tested for, how can you be sure that any athlete, in any sport is truly clean? It is unfortunate that suspicion has to fall on everyone, but that is the reality. Much progress has been made and there is no question that the banning of "greenies" or uppers has had an effect. Just look at the Cubs!!
I don't like the steroid use but let's consider a couple of other factors. Babe Ruth didn't have to face some of the best pitchers in his era since blacks were not allowed to to play MLB - does this taint any of his achievments? Current MLB hitters are likely facing pitchers that juice up too, does that equal things out a bit? My bigger point is that you'll always find top athletes trying to find anything to be better, it's in their nature to be the best. It doesn't make it ok but you can find something in every generation of the game that is unfair. My bottom line, so far, Bonds hit the most, Bonds has the record, like it or not.
That is a very good point.....but every case is different....a guy like Bonds would have been a HOF anyway...his ego got in that way....but someone like sosa who hit .260 every changed his path and thats not fair

Pitchers had enough and said forget it, lets make it even so maybe it has = out

But its so hard to compare era's...because your right, babe ruth had more hr's the year he hit 61 then the entire american league (I think

In a nutshell...nothing can be done and it is what it is...its just ashame
As far as I am concerned, Roger Maris still holds the record. If MLB in my opinion lets this era of steroid use remain "as is" they are just as guilty as those who were content in using steroids and those who still use steroids.What kind of message is MLB sending to those who participate in the greatest game on earth or what use to be the greatest game on earth if it continues on this path. The message as I see it is that its "OK to Cheat" as long as you don't get caught. Maybe a label should be created "Cheat at your own risk". To me, this is what MLB is telling our Little Leaguers, our Pony Leaguers, our high school players, and our collegiate players and so on. One can go on and on about this, but the sooner MLB resolves this issue the better. If they continue to procrastinate they just might turn this game into the WWE.

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