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Is there a full moon out tonight or is it just me?

The past day or so has brought out the worst in a lot of us. RR, that includes myself. Smile

How’s this for an idea?

We start a system for fining HSBBW offenders no matter who they might be. Kind of a “kangaroo court” type thing. Perhaps a fine like $1 each post where someone gets out of line. If the fine is not paid in a reasonable time, the offender is suspended! Razz

We could all get together to define the offenses that warrant a fine. Here are some Forums with recent threads that we could look at to decide the procedure.

General Forum – “Reggie Bush” and “What message is USA BASEBALL sending”
Recruiting Forum – “Recruiting Variables”
Illinois Forum – “Top Hitters at the 15U Level”
I'm sure there are others.

In most cases I really enjoy reading the most heated discussions. It’s great entertainment and creates some good chuckles. Then when you get dragged into one of these heated debates it seems to lose most of its humor! If you know what I mean! Wink Hilarious unless it happens to you!

If fines would work, the HSBBW could bring in a few bucks at the expense of the most naughty among us. Big Grin

If fines would not work, maybe we could use a point system. 1 point for every no-no post.

10 points gets publicly ridiculed via mass email. 20 points gets 10 lashes and 30 points calls for more serious torture like pulling fingernails out with plyers. 40 points we get exposed to the “chicken flu” and 50 points… is it… the "electric chair". Frown

Here is a vote for “Bullwinkle” to be head of the HSBBW Supreme Court.

Problem is… This thread, rather than solve the problem, will probably end up being just another big argument. duel
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I totally agree with you that things here are out of control the past few days.
However, there is a difference between flame wars and cruelty wars, which seems to be occuring today. I am just reading a post directed towards a posters son. Completely and totally out of line, not funny and no fine or punishment can make up for that.
Most of all, we are so concerned with ourselves, our own agendas, we are not thinking of Julie, who has had her hands full. This is NOT fair.
While I understand your post is an attempt for us to look at the humorous side, I find some of it disgusting rather than funny.
No problem, I'm chuckling. Cabin fever, I guess! The only cure seems to be green grass, sunshine, and the crack of a bat.

I've sometimes wondered about a courtroom type of concept for repeat offenders (those who break the rules/Board Manners frequently). But I agree, any thread devoted to that would probably become a problem in itself! Still worth considering, though. I wasn't thinking of fines, but maybe a system of demerits and lost privileges...

Guess I was thinking more about the somewhat harmless posts that created arguments based on difference of opinions. Some of those get out of line, but must admit very entertaining and sometimes funny to me. Just thinking about moderators replying with a red flag and penalty on any of us seemed funny. Was thinking more along the lines of the semi-harmless posts rather than the ugly ones.

At the same time someone posted something very ugly involving what I (and I’m sure you and before that Bob) consider the biggest no-no on this site. I agree with TPM, there is absolutely NO humor involving that stuff! However, it had nothing to do with being overly concerned with myself or any agenda. Wink

Thanks for all you do Julie.
Usually, once I see a flame war starting, I stop reading that thread and do not return. I don't know if I am in the majority or the minority. I probably loose out on some valuable content. I guess I have enough conflict in my real life that I don't need any in my cyber life. I do not find it entertaining, but then again, I have been told that I miss out on a lot of what goes on in society because I tune out of what the main stream seems to enjoy (not much TV in my life)

Punishment? Interesting concept. If imposed it needs to be fair. In my observation, on many forums across the internet, there are posters who are given more lee way in what they can get away with than the average poster. This forum is no exception. Rules would need to be developed, published and fairly enforced amongst the entire community.

Good luck in any attempt to resolve this issue. Cyber Muscles are fast becoming all the rage on the internet.
PG, I am in full agreement with you regarding the problem. It always takes a few to spoil something for the benefit of all. Florida has a website that I frequently visit. They also have users that cross the line. The Administrator will send out a message about the infraction and I have witnessed the entire thread removed. Unfortunately, this takes time for him to do and I would not want to mandate a new job for this website administrator.

I read a comment relating to the fact that "its entertaining to read." Only problem is, eventually, the innocent reader and poster will become the target of some wayward wrtitten attack.

Is there a solution, I am sure there is, and I think the thought of warnings and then the subsequent loss of privileges on the site will deter those from "crossing the line."

Finally, I enjoy reading perspectives from members, even when I do not agree with their opinion. That makes this and other similar sites worthwhile. Maybe the thought for the day should be, "share your feelings and perspectives on the great game of baseball, but remain cautious of your tongue or risk the same wrath you have brought on another."

Baseball in Florida begins on January 16, 2006, the countdown begins... Have a great day!
Last edited by waveball
Very good topic. Court? Good thought but I don’t think it would work. Here’s why.

Midwest reply: PGStaff, good idea but your suggestion may not work because of the different personalities on this board.

Northeastern reply: Geez PG, are you stupid? Get real!!

Westcoast reply: I see no real benefit to this. There are those that can’t afford the financial burden of baseball let alone the undue emotional stress that levying a monetary penalty would cause. Can’t we just play ball?

Southern reply: I agree! Most of these things are instigated by them people up north that can’t play baseball anyway. The HSBBW was started in Tennessee and these Yankees are just trying to take over like they always have. I say FINE ‘em!

Dibble reply: Man fined for telling woman she had bad breath.

Linear reply: PGStaff knows nothing about courts and fines.

Bluedog reply: I agree with Linear
Last edited by Fungo
Fungo....funny albeit quite sad....and even though I am from the Northeast I find what has transpired here in the past few days quite disheartening...are we supposed to be mature adults or kids in a school yard hurling insults back and forth...examples that have been set for the younger generation, by some posters, leaves a very sour taste in my mouth(no I am not the woman in Dibbles article)...just because there is no BB does not warrant the unjust attacks certain people have leveled against others...get a life people!!!!!...there is more in this world other than a sport...go visit a family member, donate you time to someplace worthwhile ie a shelter, read to an elderly person in a nursing something else except attack someone a book, take your wife to a movie and dinner, get to know your neighbors....get away from the's Christmas time...a time for peace and love...exhibit it!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Fungo:
Very good topic. Court? Good thought but I don’t think it would work. Here’s why.

Midwest reply: PGStaff, good idea but your suggestion may not work because of the different personalities on this board.

Northeastern reply: Geez PG, are you stupid? Get real!!

Westcoast reply: I see no real benefit to this. There are those that can’t afford the financial burden of baseball let alone the undue emotional stress that levying a monetary penalty would cause. Can’t we just play ball?

Southern reply: I agree! Most of these things are instigated by them people up north that can’t play baseball anyway. The HSBBW was started in Tennessee and these Yankees are just trying to take over like they always have. I say FINE ‘em!

Dibble reply: Man fined for telling woman she had bad breath.

Linear reply: PGStaff knows nothing about courts and fines.

Bluedog reply: I agree with Linear

There is a logically method to determining a judge. In order to avoid the rotational/linear, you must give it to a pitchers parent. To avoid the North South bias, you need to give it to someone from one of the following states:


The individual must currently reside in (or know how to spell) California.
On a more serious note:
We have differing views on just about every subject that comes up and that in my opinion makes for a good exchange. Sure I get a good feeling when someone makes the statement “I agree with Fungo” but that is NOT what leads to a process that allows people to search out the best solution for their situation. So if differing views are good, what’s the problem? The problem arises when a disagreement of opinions touches a nerve with a person and they respond because of that emotion. The exchange just got personal because the criticism is directed toward the poster and NOT the information. Why does this happen? Sometimes it's intentional but I also think communications is a strange bird. What I say and how I say it may not be what you hear or how you hear it. Your imagination is left to interpret my words and my intent. To compound the problem we are on a public forum on the internet. We can’t enhance our communications with body language, tone of voice, and we don’t always use those little alternative facial expressions (emoticons) like we should. Add in the problem of having to slowly form our sentences and then type out our opinions and the personal touch seems to get lost by most of us in the process. We can’t completely eliminate the communications problem but everyone has the ability and responsibility to temper the exchanges. I disagree with a lot of posters and I will dispute their point of view and I get personally attacked as much as anyone. It takes two people to argue so that gives me the power to stop any argument. I had a poster email me last year and told me my son was not the best catcher at Auburn. I told him I happened to agree with him but then I proceeded to explain it makes no difference what he thinks or what I think. He must have lost my email address because he failed to email me back when my son was selected as first team SEC. If you want to argue, you can. If you don’t want to argue, you can. If someone attacks you personally don't answer. Let the administrators know and they will be dealt with.
Well, if Bullwinkle can't be the judge, I'd nominate Fungo, just based on his first post on this thread. His entire previous body of work notwithstanding, that post is a masterpiece!

Cong, not surprised that you made the comments you did, as Unusually Unusual wouldn't be the same without you there. Please keep it up.

PG, I'm glad you didn't post this yesterday, as I was too busy to read it then. We were out on a field at 1:30, in 60 degree sunshine with about 30 high school players getting in our first workout in preperation for SPRING! Man, was it ever great to hear the crack of wood bats.
My suggestion is for everyone that can, is to pull out that George Forman grill. Reach in the fridge for some bratwurst, hot dogs, burgers, whatever you like and grill it. After that's done, grab your favorite bevarage and set everything on the coffee table, or whatever. Then go to your son's baseball DVD, videotape archive slip in the player, and sit back and enjoy.

That'll take care of the cabin fever.
Thanks Fungo,

Got a good laugh out of that one.

Actually that was the intent of the original topic, but there for a short while I was worried about being labeled the “antichrist” for thinking some of the heated arguments are funny.

I have to admit that in a “left handed” sort of way, Some of the comments made by people posting here are hilarious.

For example, I admit, can’t help but laugh at some of “linear’s” remarks. He can’t possibly be as it appears… Can he???? Smile
He must just set there LHAO as he types his short snipets to get under someone's skin.

Obviously, if he really thought everyone here was as stupid as he claims, he wouldn't waste so much of his time on this site.
I noticed that Bullwinkle has been requested to oversee the Moose Court here at HSBBWeb. This is a serious offer that I must discuss with my staff and agent. The Bullwinkle is already a Judge in Frostbite Falls and I currently have many cases on my docket.

1) A man denies trashing his ex-lover’s home but admits to being drunk and passing out there.
2) A fight during gym class leaves one boy with a broken arm and two mothers feuding over medical expenses.
3) Boyfriend and Girlfriend, who suspect each other of cheating, wage war over a hefty car loan.
4) Flattened tires, a damaged washing machine and female underwear on the front lawn are the alleged acts of a father wanting to reconcile with his baby’s mother.
5) A man says his baby’s mother’s father is allegedly hassling him for a truck loan that isn’t even due yet.
6) An ex-wife claims that paying for her former husbands’ tuition was almost as big a mistake as marrying him.
7) An exotic dancer claims her ex left his first wife for her, then left her for another stripper and won’t pay his bills.

Looking over the above docket has made me weary and somewhat disenchanted with my abilities to help the oppressed and downtrodden. I am ensnared with the rabble and their tribulations.

I don’t need anymore.

Therefore, If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve. If bribed, I will consider……The Honorable “Bull” Cunningham

Decisions to above cases: 1) Drunken man to pay $1.95 to ex-lover for damaged Wal-Mart cosmetics. 2) Mothers to mud wrestle at local bar, proceeds to pay for medical bills of boy. 3) King Solomon’s law, cut the payments and car in half. 4) Mother to remove washing machine from front yard, Father to fix tire, bailiff to retain underwear for closer inspection by Judge in chambers. 5) Return the truck to baby’s mother’s father, then keep your dipstick in your engine. 6) Divorce him and sue for alimony. 7) Dancers to help Judge inspect items from case #4.
Last edited by Bullwinkle

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