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What do you guys think about a HSBBW fundraiser? How about a baseball tourney? I would be willing to use our field and Im sure Coach Evans would as well. We could bring in some of the posters teams and use it as a fundraiser for the site. What age groups? Maybe we could do a camp with games? We could bring in all the people here to instruct and coach. I know we discussed a HSBBW convention. Why not have a mini camp over a weekend with some baseball seminars using the expertise of all the folks with the site. Just a though what do you guys think?
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I think we need to do SOMETHING as a fundraiser. I'm not sure if a tournament would work - would enough people come to it? It would cost so much money just to get everyone there, which is money that could go directly to HSBBW.

Here's another idea: How about an on-line auction, using e-bay. Members donate items of value, and proceeds go to the site.

I'm guessing that with the contacts members here have, there would be plenty of stuff that could be donated. Signed memorabilia from current or former major leaguers (who might be sons, or acquaintances of members.) Anything else of value, whether or not baseball related. Anybody have a vactaion home, season tickets they would sell a game to, whatever.

This would take some time to set up, but it has a big upside. If we did it on ebay, then the bidders could come from anywhere, not just members.

Julie: what you think?
Another idea: a raffle, with members buying the tickets.

For instance: let's say the prize is all expense paid trip to see two World Series games for two people. Total value, say $5,000.

Sell the raffle tickets for $100 bucks each. Sell 200, we net $15K. Think 200 members would buy the raffle tickets?

We could set a threshold - unless 100 tix sold no raffle and everyone gets the $$ back (unless they want to be so generous to donate it.)

This would be very, very easy to pull off as far as admin time goes.

Anybody else have ideas?
I don't think there's any law against raffle fundraisers. HSBBW may want to incorporate as a non-profit (assuming it is not at this time) so that there is no question as to the ticket sales being income that Julie had to recognize on her personal taxes. Open a bank account, keep books using a simple accounting package such as quickbooks.

Incorporating is no big deal. Getting tax exempt status is a separate process, and probably not necessary unless there's a lot more $$ involved. Under $25K per year in total receipts there is no tax return necessary for non-profit organizations.

We held a similar raffle as a fundraiser for our youth baseball league last summer. It was very successful... put the league on firm financial footing for the first time ever.

The winner of the raffle should claim the value on his/her personal taxes, but that is a personal matter.

I'm sure there's a lawyer who is a member who can make sure it is all OK, but I doubt this would be a problem at all.
A good and important question, Dooer. I don't know everything about it, but I have communicated with Julie on the topic. I'm not speaking for her, only for myself, but here is my take:

There are hard costs to keeping the site going that is in the neighborhood of $1000-2000 per year, depending on software upgrades and server fees, etc.

But the real issue that I believe we should raise funds for is for a stipend for the site administrator, whoever that may be. My opinion is that the "business model" of having a volunteer site administrator is not sustainable in the long term. It takes too much time.

I am given to understand that it is a 10-20 hour a week job. A saint like Julie will only do it for so long, robbing time from family, work and/or sleep, for a labor of love.

I think we should raise enough money each year to pay all the hard costs plus a stipend in the range of $1,000 per month. That wouldn't come anywhere close to paying the market rate the 10-20 hours per week (which no-one has ever suggested we should do) but I think it is a suitable amount.

The question of what is the appropriate amount is less important than the question of how do we make this site sustainable for the long term. If there aren't enough ideas and resources among the vast membership of this site to raise that kind of money, I'll eat my bat along with my hat.
It feels a bit awkward for me to comment on this topic, but since the question was raised, I'll share some thoughts on it.

Rob was pretty close with his estimates above. The direct costs of running the site are mostly hosting, which recently topped over $200 per month and looks like it will approach $300 soon based on current bandwidth overages, etc. - we are popular this month! Wink (Our hosting is much more expensive than for a simple static website, but our hosting company provides software upgrades and technical support for our forum software which is really important to the community.)

The other cost which Rob and several others have expressed concern to me about involves the amount of time it takes to administer the site. I knew that Bob worked hard and made sacrifices of his time for the site for the seven years that he ran it, but I have to admit I didn't realize how much work it would be. I currently spend over 20 hours per week on site-related work - answering member requests for help using the forums; doing SOME of the moderator / trouble control work although other moderators help a lot; updating non-forum pages of the site; starting work on upgrades to the menu system and visual design, etc. It has detracted substantially from the time I can spend doing paid work in my small 1-person business, and I agree with Rob and Coach May that to keep doing this and provide a stable future for this site, I need to allow financial support to the site so that I can pay myself a stipend, a small fraction of the hourly rate I make for doing similar work in my business.

During 2005 I had resisted requests to post suggestions about member donations, but finally in December I agreed when KellerDad wanted to post about this, and many members generously responded. Their donations in December and January helped to cover several months of the direct costs for hosting the site, and it was so helpful for that to take care of the hosting bills during the holiday season.

The other avenue for site income that I held off on in 2005 was accepting paid sponsorships or advertising. I wanted to be very careful to maintain the non-commercial quality of the site that Bob has always nutured. But you might have noticed a single sponsor banner added at the top of some forums, and I think that has worked out pretty well. This month I am starting to discuss sponsorships with a few other good companies who are interested.

When mentioning sponsors, I do have to say a special "Thank You" to Perfect Game. In the past they donated voluntarily to Bob to help support the site, and they also have made a very generous donation during my tenure, not asking for a public indicator of their sponsorship, but almost reluctantly agreeing to let me add a Sponsor banner on their behalf. Most of you already know what a class act Perfect Game is, but I wanted to mention it anyway.

But back to the topic of the thread, I guess I would not want anyone to worry about a fundraiser at this time. I certainly did not offer to take over the site with any money-making motives. If I had that would have been pretty dumb, since I own a small business where I can bill my time out at professional rates to clients. But I do see posts by baseball businesses announcing their events or publications in our forums, and I realize that those businesses are probably making money off of this site, and so I am thinking in terms of allowing those businesses to help support it, whether as forum sponsors, or through suggested voluntary donations when they post about an event. And yes, I do appreciate the continued support of individual members who choose to donate to the site - though it will always remain a free site, no membership fees!

So, please don't worry, and please don't get me thrown in jail for an illegal raffle! Eek I appreciate the concern and support of members, and I think that over the coming year, things will fall into place for members and visitors to continue to enjoy the free and non-commercial site we value, without needing to worry about whether it can continue on.

Julie, what about seeking sponsorship from hotels, motels, restaurants for the Travel Recommendations forum? Maybe these places could offer a % off for members (but how to prove membership?) and put up small ads? I don't know. I would be FIRED from The Apprentice immediately, but that is my rough-draft idea anyway!
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
which recently topped over $200 per month and looks like it will approach $300 soon based on current bandwidth overages, etc. - we are popular this month! Julie

OK!!! Everyone that has posted in the OH/KY/PA/WV forum needs to send a donation please!!!! Smile

I have donated during Bob's time and during Julie's. I plan on continuing to donate as I'm very well aware of what this site has brought into my life in the form of friendships, education, entertainment, and support. To make a donation a few times a year is a very small way to say thank you for all of those blessings!

Have you ever thought about gathering up the salient facts regarding this website. (i.e page views per month, number of members, member geography,etc...) and appealing for sponsorship directly to major baseball organizations and publications throughout the US.

Send one straight to Bud Selig.
Send one to the Little League Headquarters.
Send one to the MLB Players Association.
Send one to Collegiate Baseball Magazine and Baseball America.

I would be more than willing to send one to Bob Bowman - he is the President and CEO of MLB Advanced Media ( I worked for Bob for 6 years in the 1990's - so I may be able to get his attention.

We all know that every one of these organizations should have an interest in the future players of the game - and a few of them may even benefit from the sponsorship opportunity if our website numbers are compelling enough.

It wont cost us anything other than a little time and a few stamps.
We have alot to possibly gain - and nothing to lose.

You never know. Just a thought.


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