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Well, sort of. Back in late 2005, when Bob was going to shut down the website, one of our members started a Yahoo! group for members who wanted to stay in touch if this great website went dormant. There were only five who joined that Yahoo group, me being one of them. As most know, Julie Sigfrinius, MN Mom, took over the website from Bob (Thank you Julie!) and we never ended up using the Yahoo group for anything and it died a quiet death....I thought.

Some woman who goes by "Nettie" has joined that old Yahoo Group, and has been sending me suggestive emails over the last few days. Only problem with that is (actually, there are plenty of problems with that) the email address I used back then is our household email that only my wife views these days.

Boy, was she surprised to get an email from "Nettie", suggesting that maybe I'd want to come over to her website and play around while she's on her webcam. And, if you think my wife was surprised, you should have seen the look on my face when my wife sent me an email advising me about this newfound 'friend'. I didn't even remember that I'd ever joined a group related to HSBBW, which we called 'nextlevelBB'.

Sometimes, it's just better to go your own way... Wink
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06cd, I'm the owner of the nextlevelBB group (set up for reasons stated), and I'll vouch for you! I'm getting the "Nettie"-grams, too! (and I have to say - "NO THANKS, NETTIE!" - not really my type).

So I've been trying to remember the login info for that group (it's been, what, 3-4 years?) so I can go in and pound a stake through it and end these Nettie-grams!

UPDATE: I just tried won't even let me in to change settings or anything. I keep getting weird messages. I'll keep trying, but in the meantime, mark any Nettie-grams as SPAM and they should then automatically go into your junk-mail. You can also try clicking 'unsubscribe' and see if that works. I tried that, but it says I can't unsubscribe as the 'owner' of the group.
Last edited by Krakatoa

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