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I was thinking the other day about this website-I don't get on here like I used to but still do occasionally. I found hsbbweb 8 years ago when my son was a high school freshman. He's now about to start his senior college season (how did it go so fast??!!) When he was in the midst of recruiting, I LIVED on this site and made friends who understood what we were going through during that crazy, fun, stressful time. His Jr/Sr summer, my son was planning to attend a Perfect Game showcase and a couple of other moms mentioned their sons were attending as well. We decided to meet in real-life-not just cyber world! We did meet and the boys met the moms, but not each other.

Fast forward over the years-we (the moms) have lost touch but our sons have not. Even though they didn't meet at that showcase, they continued to hear about each other and what was happening, what they were doing, etc. -I know in my son's case, to the point he felt he knew them.

My son and one of the other young men ended up at the same out-of-state college (small world!) He is no longer playing baseball, but pursueing a journalism career-and has had alot of success-first as a sports-writer for the college paper, now with the city paper. He and my son finally met when he interviewed my son several years ago. Over the last several years, they've met/talked many times-facebook friends,twitter followers,etc-all the normal college-age things. When they first met, the hsbbweb connection was at the forefront and talked about but over time it's faded-now they're just college friends.

The third young man is still playing, and as luck would have it-in the same state as my son, at a rival school. They've played in the same summer leagues twice, but on opposing teams. At first, I pointed it out-and when they played each other, we talked about the hsbbweb connection. Over time, my son started including him when he would talk about players he was playing against-how he did, if he got him out or gave up a hit to him (my son's a pitcher, the other boy a hitter)-just like he would about his other friends. At some point, they met/talked and now, while they don't talk often, they do when they play against each other, facebook message, etc.

When my son mentions one of the boys, I can't help but think of hsbbweb. Would they have met and become friends if not for this website? Who knows! So hsbbweb-while not such a huge part of our lives anymore-still has influence in ways I wouldn't have considered when I first logged on here. For all of you just beginning this journey or in the middle of it-you've found a great place-enjoy this website!
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I have use the site alot, but the forms didn't do it for me 1st time I got on it was to many I can throw 100mph , My kid can hit better then your kid or I can help you throw 100mph post.
After a few years i stop by the forms again and found out if I pick though the Bs there is some good stuff here,just no need for me to post.
Seeing your post makes me feel better so signed up maybe I can help someone or get help. Hope to See you on the diamond.
Last edited by GA SC Diamond

Hey, hey, hey! I admire someone who can sift through all of the BS and still be interested. That just proves there's some gems to be found regardless of its packaging.

Thanks for sticking it out and hanging around GA SC Diamond. We look forward to seeing what else you can find here.

And I like your resume...
    Dug out DAD
    Team driver
    Volunteer Ground crew
    Fan of the game
All solid in my book. Welcome aboard the HSBBW and keep your posts coming.

And thanks ORmom for providing such a welcoming post...a post that brought us a new member!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
OR Mom, that was a nice post. Welcome back. I know I have come and gone through the years at the HSBBW but that's normal. We all need a break sometimes!

GA.. welcome, too! Most of HSBBW is comprised of proud dads. Some baseball dads are not unlike drunks at a college frat party bragging about their libido. Eek

I know when I first started I was obsessed with the velocity issue (my son being a pitcher). It seemed like every dad's kid threw harder than my son! Don't worry about that. Stick to the truth, and you'll be a HSBBW Old-Timer before you know it!

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