So my son gets a chance to throw live the other day at Clemson. He has been instructed to work on his 2 seam. He had 10 pitches, across two batters.
Background which is similar to many on here i'm sure...he won awards, throws decent, good velo and had success in HS.
First pitch, the ole 2 seam didnt move and he left it dead red and the ball ended up out of the park. I was smiling and chuckling a bit when he called and told me. He was like, Dad...i was shaking after that happened. He said he just smiled and gathered himself at the ball bucket rummaging for a good ball to throw his next pitch and did just that. No other good contact, balls in play and lots of swings and misses for the next 9 pitches.
I consoled him and made sure he knew that his composure after that was just as important as the next 9 pitches and let him know that whats happens in college when you miss your spot.
I felt like sharing for any and all parents still caught up in Velo and HS and PG events etc, Power 5 schools as well as others recruit and have hitters who square it up...often.