With the emergence of the internet - bloggers -a million showcases and "All-American" lists - Hype has literally become an industry.
It makes money - not only for those being hyped - but for those doing the hyping. Its a big business. And it isnt going away.
Rule #1 - If you have the means to hype yourself or access to the hype pipeline - use the hype. It is a competitive advantage and it can help. Even if it is only temporary - its better than the alternative.
Rule #2 - If you are unhyped - you better perform. You need to overcome the reality of being unhyped.
It took awhile for me to really understand this - but after seeing countless numbers of hyped players over the last 15 years - who really stunk - I understand it alot better now.
Embrace the hype - or beat it into the ground. Those are the only 2 choices you have IMO.
Pick one - and then run like a wild dog.