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Hi, before coming to this forum, ive been a line drive hitter and a good hitter. My private coaches have told me to lead with the knob to the ball, and then snap to the point of contact. They also have said to squish the bug. Everyone here is against this and its been working for me. What is this other style of hitting you guys have...and where can i learn about it or learn it.
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Do what is comfortable and natural to you. IMO, the best way to become a better hitter is for you to focus on two aspects that have nothing to do with swing mechanics. First, work on the mental approach to hitting. Predicting when you will get a belt high fastball to lace, when you need to hit a fly ball, etc... Second, build up strength in your body. That means legs, arms, back, etc... Run, lift and swing, swing, swing.

The information here is quite good, but don't try to overanalyze it. Nowhere have I seen on here a magical formula for making you a .750 hitter.
IMHO, much of what is posted here about hitting is so arcane and theoretical that it is calculated more to make your head spin than to help you. And you're lucky if someone doesn't start making snarky comments at you just to delight themselves in how much smarter they think they are than you. Frankly, I stay away from the hitting discussions on this site because so many of those who pounce whenever the topic comes up are just bad news.

Stick with what your coaches tell you. Bug squishing or no, taking advice off a web site from someone who's never even seen you is not the way to go. Your coaches may not be perfect, but at least they are genuinely interested in trying to help you, which is more than I can say for a lot of what goes on in the hitting forums here. And if you're having success, why would you want to experiment with changes in mid season?
George, just a thought for you. Keep working with your coaches as midlo just told you. 2. This isn't the time of year to be trying to chnge your style of hitting, if you want to make a change like that do it in the off season with a good quailfied coach working one on one if possible. This time of year, in season, you should try to keep your mechanics solid, and make small changes or adjustments. As far as lifting, I am a big beleiver in workouts, but once again this is in season so you should be on a lifting schedule that is designed to maintain the gains you made during the of season. One last thought as far as swing swing swing, yes swing as much as possible, but make them quailty practice swings with a purpose, drill sets that help you prepare for a game with live bp to work zones and timing. JMO and enjoy the season.
George, I agree with Midlo and with your observation that hitting often gets over-analyzed. I'll repeat what I learned about the squishing the bug part and hopefully not add to the confusion - squishing the bug happens naturally as a result of proper hip rotation. It's possible your coach saw that you're rear foot was staying planted and keeping your hips from fully rotating, thus he had you focus on that. But really, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

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