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Some people come on to post a question, they need help, suggestions. Half the time they leave out the whole story.

Our wonderful websters come to their aid, advice, discuss, debate, agitate, sway each others opinions for pages and pages. The original poster never checks back. Eek

I don't get it other than it might keep us busy until baseball begins.
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You mean this is to whom you are referring? And I don't mean this this, the post I am writing, but that this, the post you wrote earlier than mine. The post with the drawing of BD, er I mean DB, I mean D.B. Cooper, I mean D. B. Cooper. That is the this to which I meant to refer regarding your earlier referring reference to iheartbb. I am now, of course, referring to the post immediately prior to your last post; that being the one I to which I earlier referred in this post.

Anyway, I believe that the reason a lot of people don't come back to this site is because many posters are just too picky. And it throughly confuses me when they do, I mean are.... i.e. picky that is.

Originally posted by TPM:
Some people come on to post a question, they need help, suggestions. Half the time they leave out the whole story.

Our wonderful websters come to their aid, advice, discuss, debate, agitate, sway each others opinions for pages and pages. The original poster never checks back. Eek

I don't get it other than it might keep us busy until baseball begins.

It's a conspiracy to get things started. Maybe some of the regulars adds a new name and looks to get things going. Hmmmmm......
I think it relates to the discussion in What Do Parents Want To Hear?; some parnets find/are told about the site, ask "their question" and think they've got it figured out.

Many of us here obsess Roll Eyes. A lot of parents assume the process is easy and "his talent will speak for itself", even when they don't know where he falls on the talent scale.

But the Disappearing Posters are a mystery. It would be nice if they'd at least show they'd checked back in by posting a "Thanks" or even a "what a load of horsepatootie". Cool
Last edited by Orlando
Originally posted by TPM:
Some people come on to post a question, they need help, suggestions. Half the time they leave out the whole story.

Our wonderful websters come to their aid, advice, discuss, debate, agitate, sway each others opinions for pages and pages. The original poster never checks back. Eek

I don't get it other than it might keep us busy until baseball begins.

Could it be that the new poster is put-off by the righteous tone of some of those "wonderful websters"? Maybe the pages and pages of self-important rambling are a bit more than they have the interest or time for.
I find it interesting that posters count posts of their own and other---I look at this site as a family and some posters have more time than others---since I am retired and do things from the house I certainly have a lot of time to offer opinions from my experience during the daylight hours while others post after midnight because of their time restraints
for me I read almost all the posts. sometimes i am not as educated as some of the old timers and dont contribute because i dont know what I am talking about. every web site people refer to that interesrs me I go and read. Ive learned a lot, and have sat back for the last couple years reading and implementing many of the ideas or things on here.I dont have a problem feeling intimidated if I do post something and I get 100 different opinions, just read it learn, agree or disagree, sometimes my mind is changed. there a re a lot of people i would bet surf this sitea and maybe dont feel knowlegable enought to contribute to some of the threads.

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