Originally posted by BlueDog:
The drill is to open up the hips and feet as if the swing was finished,then rotate the hips back and just swing with your hips.Then come around with the shoulders and then the hands and hit off a T.
Why not teach to open the hips during the stride?....This is what MLB hitters do.....
It's a running start with the lower body and is referred to as segmentation.........All the great hitters segment in this way..........
The above clip of Soriano shows it happening....IMO, all young hitters should learn to do this.........
Take a look at Carlos Delgado in these clips.......This is a bigtime running start with the hips......
We have been through this before and you know my feelings but here it goes.
Teach it in steps and as you get one thing,or a couple things,add more to it.
Right now his goal is to quit squishing the bug and we are pretty much in agreement that needs to stop and I think most of us agree that hip rotation is at the core of the problem.
The drill is a hip isolation drill that will develop muscle memory on how the hips are to rotate and load properly,that's all,just a drill.
Have a hitter do this 25 times off a T and then have them hit and use whatever style you want and see if the hips aren't rotating harder.
If they are loading properly,they will not have to think about opening during the stride,it will happen due to the load automatically during the stride.IMO
There is one thing for sure,it is a simple drill that can't hurt a thing.