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To make a long story short, a summer team had contacted me and told me they want me to try out for their team next year. I deffinately want to, although I have never really been in a baseball enviornment that is as talented as I expect this place to be. Also, I don't really know how I "stack up"... I might be way off the mark as to where I think I am talent wise.So my question is, do you think that it would be benificial for me to find some showcase that takes place before the tryouts just so I know how my skills would be evaluated... AKA to find out what they think my weaknesses are so I can try to improve and to take the "suprise factor" out of whatever evaluation might be given to me by the team?

Also, even if the answer is yes, is the timing feasible? I end football season the second weekend of November, and the first session of the tryout is the second sunday of January?. Are there showcases worth while during that time that would give me enough time from football to get back to baseball and yet enough time before tryouts that I have time to get my evaluation/improve?

Again I'm sorry for the long post (I have no idea why I'm so long winded!) and I thank you for any advice.

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Hi Andrew! I say GO FOR IT!! Do some pre-work outs on your own so you dont go into try-outs cold and then give it your best shot! 110%!!

As others have said,..if the team expressed an interest in you, then I would take it and run with it,... IF this is a team YOU are interested in being a part of.

If you dont try,'ll never know.

Dont doubt yourself, think positive, and believe in yourself!!! The more you tryout,..the more experience. In my book,..that cant hurt, will only gain!

I think that "stacking up" is a matter of opinion. What you think you are good or bad at, may not be what the coach sees. The coach will know what kind of talent and personality type he needs to form his team.

IMO you can have all the talent in the world stuffed into one kid,..but if he has bad sportsmanship, doesnt hustle, or isnt coachable,..( sometimes a big/bad ego can take away from sheer talent ) etc. etc., then I think the kid who is close to being as talented, but who has all of the previous listed characteristics, has a better shot at making a team. Does that make sense? In otherwords ,...ya just never know what the coaches could be looking for.

On a personal note: my son went to a recent showcase and scored only mediocure ( in our opinion ) with his stats. This was NOT refelective of how he preforms on the field. Perhaps it was his nerves not being a real experienced showcase guy, or something else, we arent quite sure. We decided to chalk it up to just a bad day. If he had based his preformance at the showcase as a prerequisite for trying out for his Fall team,...he never would have gone to the try-outs. That would have been a BIIIG mistake and a very good missed opportunity.

Sooo, I sit here and get all long winded too,..( wow, sure can bring out the emotions and enthusiasm cant it? ha! ) I wish you the BEST!!! Be sure and let us know what you decide! We're rooting for ya!!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom

I agree most with skysthelimit and 20dad. If you have any ideas about playing baseball at the next level, GO FOR IT. Try out with this team. Throw the baseball and practice your hitting when and where you can on the weekends after the Friday night football game [or whatever night it is] and maybe one day during the week after your light football practice [usually Thursday if New York is like West Virginia]. Then find a good baseball CAMP [not a showcase] where you will not only be evaluated but you will be told what you need to work on and how to work on it [if you ask the right questions] to improve. Schedule this NOW or ASAP for sometime after the third week of November but before the second week of December if possible [time to heal from any nagging football injuries but soon enough to build on what you learn at the CAMP].

Then, after the CAMP, work hard to improve those "skills" you have been told you are weakest while keeping "honed" those skills in which you are strong. Then, go to the tryout confident in your strengths and knowing you have done all you can to improve your weaker skills and hustle and play like practicing baseball is the most fun thing you could ever do. Meet the guys and the coaches and make sure that if you are offered a spot, you really want to play with and for these people. If not offerred a spot, thank all the coaches for the opportunity.

Using this approach, afterwards, whatever happens, you will realize that you did your best and will have no regrets.

Good Luck.

Make the effort to get yourself ready for the tryout and go out and have a great time. Hustle your butt off and just do what you can do. You have a wonderful opportunity and I'll bet that you're going to surprise yourself at how much you really do belong once you get a chance to compete with others your age. You have nothing to lose, and much to gain. Go for it!

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