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At age 13, there's simply not a lot you CAN do. Your body is not at a physiological point where it's going to respond much to weights or anything like that; you'd just end up hurting yourself. Just go with the basics at your age - push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, and throw a LOT. Also, run, run, run. No one here can make you a superman, and there's no magic -- just get out there and start busting it. Once you're about 15 you can begin hitting the weights.
Here you go kid. This is what we do for rising 9th graders.

Monday Weds Friday- 20 minute run - jog at an 8 min mile pace for 1:50 sec sprint for 10 seconds. Jog at an 8 minute mile pace for 1:45 sec sprint for 15 sec. Jog at an 8 min mile pace for 1:50 sec sprint for 10 sec. Jog at an 8 min mile pace for 1:45 sec sprint for 15 sec. Jog at an 8 min mile pace for 1:50 sec sprint for 10 sec. Do this for 20 minutes. Walk for 2 minutes and cool down.

Next- Med ball work out. Standing two hand toss 8 lb ball 45 sec. Do this twice. Keep up with your reps.
Standing overhead two hand toss 8 lb ball 45 sec two sets keep up with your reps.
Seated two hand toss 8lb ball repeat twice. Seated two hand toss overhead repeat twice.
Sit up with med ball 10 lb ball. We call in single pop. Put the ball at your midsection and go back popping the ball behind your head on the ground. As you come up with it put it back in your midsection and toss it to your partner two handed. He throws it back to you in the up posistion and go again. Two sets 45 seconds keep up with your reps.
Triple pop with 10 lb ball. Sit up posistion starting posistion. Pop the ball on the ground with both hands on your right side then back to your left then go down pop the ball behind your head and back up passing the ball to your partner. Repeat for two sets of 45 seconds.

Wrist rollers with 2 1/2 and 5 pound weights. These are easily made with a broom stick and some rope with weights. Four sets of 30 sec reps. Keep up with how many times you can roll it up and roll it down. Make sure that you roll it down no just let it down.

Ladder drills. They are not that expensive and if you want get a can of spray paint and draw one on the ground. You can go online and get the exercises but they are not really complicated. We foot in every hole. Every other hole. Icky shuffle. Icky wide shuffle. Side to side. High knee lifts. Cross over high knee lifts. Bunny hop every hole. Bunny hop everyother hole. And some more. Go through all ladder drills twice. Keep up with your times without hitting the ladder or the lines.

Jump rope. We do five sets of 1 minute. With 30 seconds of rest between sets. We work as fast as we can with the rope without stopping. If you mess up just get going again as quick as possible.

Box jumps and explosions. PM me and Ill give you the deal on these.

Lead sprints. We get in our primary lead posistion. We work on our explosion starts. 5 for 5 yards. 5 for 10 yards. 5 for 20 yards 5 for 30 yards.

Hills we have a hill that is pretty steep. We work lead sprints up this hill full speed. We run 5. We run 5 backwards. We run 5 sideways each way. We make sure that we jog down not walk down the hill.

Tuesday Thursday- We work lower body on Tuesday and Upper body on thursday. Now Older kids do weights Mon Weds and Fri and this work out on Tues and Thurs.

Tuesday- Light squats (form form form). Half squats. Calf raises. Dumbell jumps light weight. 5 or 10 lbs. Leg extensions and leg curls.

Then we run stairs after a long stretching period before we lift and after we lift. Then we get in some ball drills. (Ball Drills) Brutal exercise that we feel builds (reveals character). The kids love them because they test you. Here they are. Take a can of field paint. Paint a dot the size of a softball on the ground. Five yards in front of it paint another a dot. Five more yards another dot. Five more yards another dot. Five more yards one more dot. Thats a total of five dots. On the second dot put a baseball. And put a ball on every dot except the first one. The player starts from the first dot that is the starting spot. Start the watch and the player has to go get the first ball and put it on the first dot where he started. He goes back and gets the next ball and so on. After he has all the balls at the first dot he has to go back and put them all back where they originally were. We he gets back to the start line and all the balls are put back he is finished.

Thursday- Dumbell bench press. Dumbell incline press. Dumbell raises front and side and back. Tricep push downs and bicep curls with dumbells.

We are introducing weights to these younger kids and we teach them proper technique and form. Same running as on tuesday.

We start this program on Aug 1 and run it through Feb 1. We use Tuesday and Thursday for Hitting. Mon Weds and Fri are our long toss days.

Son you are 13 and there is a ton of things you can do to start working on getting bigger stronger and faster and more athletic. We started out with 32 or 33 and finished with 28 guys all the way through last year. You would be amazed at how much stronger and faster these young men got. Not to mention the arm strength gains and bat speed and power. I think it had alot to do with the season we are currently having. 21-3 14-0 #2 in the State so far. If your willing to pay the price you can make tremendous gains. Good Luck Oh by the way- You have Saturday and Sunday to chill- There are no days off during the week if you are serious. Once you start taking days off you are finished.
Im not advocating that at 13 you start with the weights are guys are 14 at the youngest. Just leave that part out and use the med balls and wrist rollers. Your never too young to start running seriously and pushing yourself. Good Luck

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