It’s good that you’re being proactive and it appears as if things are progressing as they should. You’re in a period of time ---- Well, like the music has just started ---------- you have asked the girl to dance ---- she has accepted ------- and now you want to know how much she loves you.

Your transcripts: He’s wants to make sure you are academically on track to attend college. Remember, college baseball players have to be college students first.
Your HS schedule: If a coach is interested (or becomes interested) it's a good possibility he would like to see you play. This provides him with the times and locations to where he can do that.
If I were a college coach I would make sure I have all my ducks in a row BEFORE I started recruiting a player and that includes his schedule and transcripts.
You are controlling what you can and the coaches are responding as they are supposed to. The recruiting phase is a process that is very difficult to evaluate until it’s in the final stages. Stay proactive ---- send the DVDs and continue to look for more interested coaches. Trust the process! It can be a frustrating time but in the end it will be rewarding. Best of luck and stay focused.
