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Went to Comiskey Park yesterday for the first time in several years. Other than my beloved Red Sox spanking the Pale Hose for the third straight game, there we several things that bothered me.

1. There should be no minor league-type between inning "entertainment." No cuties throwing t-shirts, no drunks dancing on the dugouts.

2. No rock music blaring between pitches. This isn't hockey (which I love).

3. No roving photographer begging to take pictures of me and my family. I had to tell this clown to get the hell out of my way, I was trying to watch the game.

4. Fans are not allowed to talk to each other about anything but the game they are watching.

5. Fans should be limited to the amount of beers that doesn't make them act like complete fools.

6. Fans should only be allowed one trip to the concession stand. Sit the heck down and watch the **** game.

7. Fans should never boo their own team. Even if they pitch as poorly as the White Sox did yesterday. If you don't like your team, stay home. If you think you can do it better, go try out.

8. Fans should never leave early. That entire day cost me over $300 and I'm not leaving until the grounds crew is done with the field after the game. Just looking at the beautiful green grass and red dirt is entertainment enough for me.

9. No wedding proposals on the score board.

10. Women shouldn't dress like hookers to go to a ball game. (I'll probably get a lot of grief over this one!!)

11. The only food available should be hot dogs, peanuts and soda. Maybe beer (see #5)

12. The scoreboard should show replays of every good play regardless of what team made the play.

I guess my main point here is what percentage of people at a MLB game are truly baseball fans? My guess is it's less than half.
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At my stadium, it wouldn't cost $300 for a day of baseball. That's a crime in itself.
I would have a nice, possibly Australian, Chardonnay on tap.
As I experienced in the Blue Jays Stadium in Toronta, you'd only be able to travel up and down the aisles between innings. (strictly enforced by angry senior citizens)
Parking accomodations would be in the same general vacinity as the stadium.
Totally agreed on the booing and replay issues!
Cell phones would be turned off upoun entering the seating sections.
And last but not least...Middle age men will not be allowed to knock over kids for foul balls.
I would add a few things to spice up the game and hopefully improve it.

1. I would put a trap door under each batters box that opened exactly 1 second after contact was made. That should keep the hitters from standing there watching homeruns. If you fall in the trap door your spot in the order is an out the rest of the game. Can also be used by the umpire to rid himself of hitters who complain about every pitch,(i.e. Ryan Klesko and Jim Edmunds.)

2. A pitching machine behind home plate that throws about 115mph, so that if those chicken AL pitchers want to throw at batters, the machine can throw back. will keep the ridiculous baseball fights to a minimum. Will have an option that you can aim it at Ozzie Guillen when the White Sox are in Town.

3. A head gauge that measures the players heads on deck. Any head that grows more than 1/4 of an inch in a year will disqualify the hitter.

4. Designate two fans with paint guns to shoot at hitters who jog to first base on a ground ball.

This should make it a little more interesting
Originally posted by 06catcherdad:
Having a bad day, are we? Lighten up and enjoy it all. Yeah, we go to watch the game, but none of this other stuff should have wrecked your day.

Don't forget, they are in the entertainment business. Not everyone is the purist you suggest you are.

Let me rephrase my original point...

Saturday was the major league game. Sunday I spent four and a half hours watching my son's first fall league double header

Sunday was much more fun.
biggerpapi...You are obviously not a White Sox fan.

If I ever went to a professional baseball game and filled my mind with the nonsense that you've spewed about your experience, I would definitely look for another about s......r?

I, too, will take your tickets.

No sense going and not enjoying the ENTIRE atmosphere of a major league game.
As I stated, I am a Red Sox fan. I like the White Sox but went to see Boston.

I love the ball park atmosphere. One of my favorite things in the world is to walk to that top row and get my first glimpse of that beautiful green turf and red dirt.

I love the smells, hot dogs, peanuts, onions.

I love the sounds, the crack of the bat, the umpire barking out balls and strikes, even the beer man..."Cold Beer Here!!!"

I love to look into the dugout and wonder how cool it must be to sit there, spitting seeds, waiting for my turn at bat.

I love to look at different things...the press box, trying to get a view of "The Hawk", the way the infield grass seamlessly transitions into the dirt, I even stare at the foul pole for about two minutes each game.

I'm 39 and I dream of catching a foul ball. Not one came close Saturday but I did get hit by a Bobby Jenks pitch. No really, he was warming up in the bullpen, threw a low pitch, it hit the plate, flew into the stands and landed in my lap!

I don't mind the beer guy standing in my way during the game, especially when he pretends to serve the White Sox fans first. I love the differnt calls these guys use to get your attention...every one is different.

I loved the fact that Buerle and Wakefield went scoreless into the 6th while my wife complained of no action. Then I loved it when the Red Sox ripped four singles to left to break the game open. And YES, I did love it when Paul Konerko lined a two-run home run into the White Sox bullpen.

I love analyizing the game with my boys and showing them the things they learn at their practice are still being used in the bigs.

Make no mistake, I enjoy the ENTIRE atmosphere of a major league game. However, I quickly grow weary of the gimmicks that are cute at Jackhammer Stadium but completely unnecessary at Comiskey Park.
I was at the game also. Great day and weekend if you are a Red Sox fan like I am. I agree with the dancing on the dugouts statement. I was lucky enough to get some scout seats and it was amazing watching Wakefields pitches dance all over the place. Four Bostonians were sitting next to me and my wife so we got to have a great conversation with them during the game.
if you think the people at a regular game aren't fans go to a play off or world seiries game. i have been fortunate to attend a few ws games at fenway 86 and 04 as well as the 99 hr derby there. the over riding thing is the lack of real bb fans and kids, and the people on their cell phones. there should be a ton of kids at games ,but at mlb prices it's no wonder why. but i still love the green of the ball park,and the smell of the dogs. makes ya feel 10 again.
Originally posted by 20dad:
...but i still love the green of the ball park,and the smell of the dogs. makes ya feel 10 again.

Ya' know 20dad...ya' shouldn't be leaving your family photo album out in the open where my wandering eyes can catch a glimpse...but since you did, I'm going to share this one of you that I found to be so appropriate...

Aboard his brand new wagon that he received as a birthday gift, here is 20dad on his tenth birthday riding through the idyllic and rural green pastures of New Hampshire...whiffing and sniffing the fresh country air that is at times punctuated by the pungent odor of his two damp dogs...Liver Free and Dye.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
woody i don't know how you got this picture,i loved the dog arroma so much i filled a bag with their offerings. good thing i didn't like the smell of horses.but how embarrasing to be caght on film sniffing one.
i remember this day very well i was getting promoted to the 1st grade,i was the biggest kid in kindergarten.i guess i was the oldest as well. i love the green of the ball park cause we didn't have any,as you can tell by the picture.

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