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Was talking about this with a few buddies over the weekend that led to some very interesting discussions. Thought it might make for some here as well.


For guys playing before-let's say year 2000-it was much harder to get "noticed".  The technology was not what it is today in terms of getting video/websites out there (no YouTube, social media, major recruiting video services, etc).  I remember my recruitment meant sending hand-written letters and some VHS tapes! There was no where near as many high-level showcases, camps, travel tourneys, etc...


Do you think more guys were "missed" back in the day for college because of this?  


Personally, do you think your future in baseball might have been different if you had access to what players today have in terms of recruiting?

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My teammates and I had the benefit of exposure playing in Legion states, regions and nationals. We also played with a future high draft choice who was followed everywhere. Two other teammates were selected in the top twenty rounds. Our coach also scheduled out of state non conference games.


But there were players I played against every bit as good as many of us who played for the state university because they didn't get exposure outside the area. The players who were top twenty round out of high school draft choices were found. There are scouts everywhere and there always have been.

Last edited by RJM

 I think a dedicated player and his family have so many ways of getting seen now. With just a little smarts they can sit down and find out so much information before their coffee gets cold. If you had a bad weekend, no problem you can jump in the car and hit another showcase Saturday. They don't all have to like your son, just one of them. You can have a nice afternoon in Tulsa Okla, and before you get home to Davenport Iowa, three Coaches on the west coast have seen your link and e-mailed you back telling you Great Job!....That's Crazy.

Originally Posted by zombywoof:
No because it's all relative since technology available to everybody and no one gets a leg up on the competition for being noticed. It might also have a negative effect as well since more people get noticed decreasing the chance to get noticed so it can work both ways

Very good points Zomby, especially the negative effect one.  When I was talking with my friends, we started thinking about guys that might have played in the early 80s and 90s.  What was the only way to get recruited back then? Be a stud HS player and do well in perhaps legion ball or college camps?  Just random things we were thinking about....



That's food for thought Zombie. All I know is, the year before I went to college the school that I eventually enrolled in had a catcher drafted fairly high for an engineering school, NJIT. And all the smaller schools in the area always had someone going back then. Maybe because Seton Hall was winning a lot back then and the scouts were around in North Jersey. Were talking late 70's here.

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