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What a joke!

If you want a true State Champion, break up the Lockport Sectional. Take one team from the Lockport Sectional and send them (disburse them) to one of the other "Sectionals".

How can OPRF lose with the stiffs that they are likely to play? How about the Mt. Carmel sectional? Other than Mt. Carmel, Harlan and DLS, I didn't know that any of the other schools fielded baseball teams!

What a joke!
It is pretty sad for the IHSA that on April 10th we can pretty much guarantee that Oak Park and Mt. Carmel have berths in the super sectionals. And IMHO the two most difficult sectionals (Richards & Lockport) meet in the same supersectional. Other interesting tidbits are St. Rita being shipped out to the Nazareth sectional and Hinsdale C. being sent out with the Du Page teams this year.
Boys Baseball Advisory Committee

August 24, 2005

The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Baseball Advisory Committee met at the IHSA office in Bloomington, IL. on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. Committee members in attendance were: Kevin Mallehan, Normal – Official; Kenny Fullman, Chicago (Harlan); Eric Chrzanowski, Springfield (SHG); Paul Rybarcyzk, Midlothian (Bremen); Nick McGurk, Streator (Twp.); Andy Julian, Olney (East Richland); Todd Hopkins, Ottawa (Marquette); Marilyn Book (Fairfield). Harvey Foster, Jeff Bonebreak and Jim Hall from the Baseball Coaches Association. Anthony Holman served as staff liaison.


1. Item V. – B. Seeding and Pairings

Recommendation: To conduct Class A Baseball Seeding Meetings on Wednesday of Week 44 (May 3, 2006). To conduct Class AA Baseball Seeding Meetings on Wednesday of Week 45 (May 10, 2006).

Rationale: This will allow for more games to be played, thereby giving coaches a better feel for where teams should be seeded. Also in Baseball weather is always an issue, which could potentially create a scenario that teams may have played very few games by the seed meeting date. Finally there was a letter of support from several Athletic Administrators who agreed with moving the Seed Meeting one week later.


6. Discussed the philosophy and rationale of the IHSA Sectional complex groupings policy. The committee would like to see the administrator for baseball (whenever possible) assign teams that are seeded lower to Regionals that will have preliminary/Quarterfinal (pigtail). When making the pairings, the Committee would also like the administrator for baseball to consider a mileage range that would be allowable in an effort to make the match-up closer to a true seeding process. (Example: If #1 is 10 miles from the Regional with the #11 seed and 20 miles from the Regional with the #16 seed that there be a variance in the system that would allow for the #1 and #16 seeded teams to be in the same Regional.)

The IHSA's baseball administrator is Anthony Holman,

So much for some good recommendations.
Last edited by Tuzigoot

Good to see the offical guidelines for the parings. I don't think it's the schools fault for the pairings ---- The system doesn't seem right,,

Some of the best teams are in that Lockport Sectional..... I'm not that upset about it either(Richards Regional) ----- but still don't think it's fair.

Why didn't Florida play LSU in the first round?
Originally posted by BeenthereIL:
What a joke!

If you want a true State Champion, break up the Lockport Sectional. Take one team from the Lockport Sectional and send them (disburse them) to one of the other "Sectionals".

How can OPRF lose with the stiffs that they are likely to play? How about the Mt. Carmel sectional? Other than Mt. Carmel, Harlan and DLS, I didn't know that any of the other schools fielded baseball teams!

What a joke! can OPRF lose to the stiffs that they are likely to play? Clemente, Lane, and Fenwick all can beat OPRF in a 1 game situation. Although Lane's record doesn't show it, they will be able to play with any team when they start believing they can hit. They currently play about 7-8 juniors in the starting lineup.

Clemente proved this weekend that they can play with the big boys.

Fenwick is also more than capable of taking out OPRF, although I haven't followed them much this year.

Give some other teams some credit before calling them stiffs.
Originally posted by Suburban Fan:
Ant I have to respectfully disagree with you. I saw the Lane-Oak Park sectional final last year and it was men vs. boys. I will beleive it when I see it.

That is a valid opinion. However, 8-0 isn't "men v. boys". It was "dennehy and/or berger v. lane".

Anyways, that is neither here nor there since the poster i was quoting called them "stiffs".
Last edited by Ant

Men vs. Boys? Wow! You must have a son or relative play for Oak Park. So I guess LT (Was Men this past weekend) and Oak Park (was boys?
) No disrespect to Oak Park. By no strecth of the imagination can the talent level at Lane be labeled "boys"
Some of the Public league teams(I will agree) are dreadful, but Clemente, Lane, Harlan, Simeon, and Young can compete with what you call Men.
red devil. Take a look at who is in your sectional and then those 16 teams will make up 4- 4 team regionals. the winners of the 4 regionals will play in the sectionals and the winner moves to the supersectional. In april, the coaches will meet to seed the regional teams. I hope this helps you to understand this. good luck the rest of the way. It looks like you guys are playing really well right now.
My way early predictions for the sectional championship games:

Lockport: Joliet Catholic vs. Lockport

Richards: Sandburg vs. Marist

Mt. Carmel: Mt. Carmel wins against any of them

Nazareth: St. Rita vs. Nazareth

TBA : Barrington vs. Cary Grove

Rockford: Unfortunately I do not know enough about this group to make a prediction

TBA: Benet vs. Hinsdale Central

Nequa Valley: Naperville Central vs TBD

O'Fallon: Troy vs. anybody

Springfield: Sacred Heart

Mundelein: Carmel vs. Stevenson

Schaumburg: Palatine vs. Schaumburg

Fenwick: Oak Park vs Fenwick

Niles West: Notre Dame vs. New Trier

Final 4: Joliet Catholic, OPRF, Sacred Heart Griffin, St. Rita

JC beats Rita for the title
Back to Lane Tech for a second: They lost to ND 8-1, and ND had their NUMBER FOUR on the mound. Not Kloss, Pagano, or Hart threw against them, and they didn't do anything. Basically I'm saying OPRF has an easy road to the sectional.

By the way, adding GBS to the Niles West sectional could make this sectional really really good.

And before everyone gets on my case, I'm an ND fan, not an ND player, so save your bashing for whoever else posts on here.
Originally posted by goomlah:
Back to Lane Tech for a second: They lost to ND 8-1, and ND had their NUMBER FOUR on the mound. Not Kloss, Pagano, or Hart threw against them, and they didn't do anything. Basically I'm saying OPRF has an easy road to the sectional.

So by that logic, since the Cubs had their #4 on the mound against the Cardinals and the Cardinals didn't really do anything, it holds that the Cardinals are a ****** team and should be easy to knock off their perch in the Central.
Last edited by Ant

Don't you just get tired of it like I do???? Someone is always trying to stir things up between our two schools, or Hinsdale and LT, or OPRF and HC, or even Lane Tech, or anyone else.

I'm glad 'itsrosy' has been given the "nod" by Julie to help keep this forum on the straight and narrow. We all love to tease, but sometimes it gets ridiculously ugly.

My belief has always been that any team can beat any other team on any given day. This includes pitcher vs. pitcher, hitter vs. pitcher, defenses, etc. Even the great rivalries within our conference can become interesting on any given game day!! The key........which team makes less errors and who scores more runs!!!!! It's that simple.

Who's to say who is going to win today, tomorrow, next week. Not me, not you, not anyone else. It's the variables of the teams and its players/coaches that will determine the outcomes of those future battles. It's great fun for me and I know it is for you as well. Forget the trouble makers......they are not worth the time.
Hey Thriller, I just made a little list for FUN, I did not mean it to knock on anybody as you should notice I did not say one negative word about anybody. My guess was based around the assumption that Rita the will get the #1 seed in the sectional because most of the teams in the sectional are from the city and they will pick them over a suburban team (LT) they are not as familiar with. That would set up a Naz-LT sectional semifinal and I could see Naz winning that game (on thier home field) because they have the pitching (esp. if Lisak can make it make it back)and a very fundamentally sound senior based team that made a good run last year in the tourney. Naz will be tested severely in the ESCC by JC, Carmel, ND, Benet, etc. so they will not be intimidated at all.

I am sorry you took offense.
Suburban Fan.....

You might have a 'sleeper' in St. Joe's, so don't count them out. I will admit that it will be tougher to move-on in the tournament with the talent that Rita and Naz have.

Besides, the way Milano uses his pitchers, Naz might not make it at all!! Lisak is a great kid, but was over used last year, like so many in the past, Gage, Sailor, should I go on.
This is my first year watching Milano in action and to this point he has yet to throw a pitcher past 80 pitches. I have heard him asking his pitching coach how many pitches his pitcher has thrown (so I know he is keeping track of it). However, it is possible that this might change when conference begins, but hopefully not. Fresh pitchers are vital in making any kind of a run in the playoffs as well as a little luck.
Boomer, I should send this in a PM, but I don't know if it would ever get to you. The boy's found a jacket after the game today. (blue/grey/white ski jacket) They said it belongs to andy or justin. Please ask your son if this is his jacket or anyone on LT. It is a nice jacket and I am sure mom or dad won't want to buy another one. Call me at school 708-434-3040. Your son is a heck of a player along with many others on that team. I can't say I am sorry to see them graduate. best of luck the rest of the way. I hope you are really enjoying the senior year. Talk to you soon.

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