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I've been debating putting this on here because I didn't want to come across as bragging but the more I think about it I want to recognize some people. I'm going to keep it anonymous and not post their names but when I think about it I was truly blessed to teach and coach these guys.

As a baseball coach, football coach and classroom teacher I've had the honor to play a very small part in these young men lives from the class of 2011.

One just signed his contract with the New York Yankees. I also was his US History teacher.

A football player I coached will be enrolling at VMI this fall and I served as his US History teacher.

A young man I coached in football and baseball will be playing college football.

Another young man I had in US History will be playing college football that I also coached in football.

There are several other football players who will be entering college or the military in one branch or the other. Most of them I had in class as well.

Another baseball player I had but didn't teach will be entering a local community college this fall.

It really hit me tonight how special this group was tonight when the young man who is going to VMI stopped by football practice tonight to tell us goodbye as he is leaving for Virginia tomorrow. I told him to hang around and after practice (which he actually stepped in and helped some players like a coach would) I took him to treat him to pizza. He and I were talking and started listing each and every person from his class and what they were doing when it hit me how special they were.

I'm sorry if this comes across as bragging but I'm very proud to have been a small part in these young men's lives.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Oh my gosh! US History...they still teach that?

Seriously coach, your accomplishments, just like those of these young men, are impressive. What is the likelihood that these former students of yours will pass along the favorable lessons you have taught them? You know the is great.

Keep up your very good work coach, our great nation needs it!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Big thumbs up Coach! Way to go. It is great to see there are still Coaches out there that are able to reach their students and mentor them. Whether you realize it or not you are mentoring that young man, and he looks up to you in a big, big way.

VMI is a special place that takes a special kind of student/athlete. You must be very proud of him, and the rest of the class.

Thanks for sharing. I really like waking up and reading stories like this on HSBBWeb. It makes the day so much better.
Congratulations Coach!!!! As you can see from the other posts its not bragging to show your well deserved pride. After years of coaching at our local Little League I still help with the mandatory safety seminar. I always tell the new coaches that the real reason to coach these kids is to be a positive influence, no matter how small, in their lives. I have been extremely fortunate to have former players let me know how they are doing years later. The feeling you get knowing that in some small way you added something is inexplicable.
I often times wish I had taken a different career path so that I could hopefully had the same well earned sense of pride you are feeling about these fine young men. i hope my son's teachers and coaches provide the same type of role model.

Congratulations and don't hesitate to share future success stories!!!
We all know you coach and know that you're not here bragging. You are an example of the type of person that should be teaching and coaching. One that inspires their kids/players to go for their dreams and put forth the effort to get there. Glad you were able to recognize so many and glad you enjoyed helping them get there! Keep up that good work and spirit!
Coach, I had a football Coach like you back in 1980. During the summer after I graduated I started getting letters from Colleges offering partial scholarships to come play football, they had seen film of me playing, etc.

I was like, "what the heck is this about?". My Dad didn't even know. Finally I found out that I had a coach who thought of enough of me as a player and young man to try and help me get to the next level.

But being the smart young man that I was I chose to go the US Marine route instead. (yes, sarcasm meant. lol)

Good job Coach. Thanks for coming here to share with us. Seriously.


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