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My oldest left last weekend for college about 4 hours away. Needless to say, he doesn't know a thing about the real world and I've been fretting a bit. He's been so focused on baseball during HS that he didn't have much of a social life.

He moved in his dorm 5 days before the rest of the freshman arrive, so I thought he'd be lonely in the almost empty hall. Or, that he'd hook up with more adventurous boys and hit his first bar.

Well, he did stay out late last night, but it wasn't exactly what I expected! One of the baseball players knows a girl who's rushing and they drove over to sorority row to check things out. They ended up driving a car full of girls with no transportation to Walmart for a shopping trip! Said they were in line at 11:45pm on a Wed. night and every register was ten deep. So that's where they're hanging out in college these days! Seems a clever (and cheap) way to "pick up chicks!"
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You know that commercial that says 'what happens in Vegas - stays in Vegas'? That was pretty much my experience with him and school. What happens at school - stays in school (on campus etc., fill in the blank)

He's not a bad kid doing bad kid things, but I just wasn't privvy to his daily realities. Only what he thought I wanted to hear.

It is such a good time for them, they grow so much. They find some maturity, it is a good situation for them and for us as parents. You will probably be pleasantly surprised at what he will be able to accomplish personally.
Last edited by YourBasicMom
KCbaseball,...not sure if your son is actually going to college "in" Kansas or not,...but if sooo I have to laugh with ya.
Believe it or not,..going to Walmart is kinda the thing to do in our own little Kansas town on the weekends for the highschool and local Jr. College kids here also. I laugh when my son calls home to say...."well mom,....were gonna swing by Applebees and then Walmart" on a Friday night.
Whats up with that?
He says they always run into everyone they know there.
Must be a new generational multi-task thing! One stop shopping/socializing spot! ha!
Who knew?
Actually, his Walmart connection makes perfect sense if you know he's in Arkansas! We had a heck of a time even finding a Target in town when we moved him in!
Sorry I didn't PM you back over the summer. There are life-circumstances right now in our family making everything difficult. Not only are we moving the oldest to college (four hours away), # 2 child is learning to drive, # 3 child played on two baseball teams this summer, and we have an ailing parent (my mom) who's fighting a valiant battle with cancer. Its about a four and a half hour drive to see her and we've been burning up the highway this summer, trying to help out. LIFE!
We never saw the player you asked about on the BJ Raiders team. My son pitches and with games all over the city, he didn't go to some places when he wasn't scheduled to pitch. Probably just missed him.
Good luck to your son this year. I read another post of yours and your attitude is right on. We are proof that things usually work out as they're meant to be!
Take care...
KCBaseball, - I can totally relate to this. We just brought our oldest down to Alabama - 12 hours away. He, too, spent all his HS time on baseball and never had much of a social life. While he has only been down there for a week it all seems to be going well. The team is there a week early and if they have the energy after their busy days of training they are getting together playing cards, hanging out etc. It will be interesting to see what developes once classes start on Monday.

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