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My son was struggling swinging the bat and I was looking for some private instuction. There isn't much where we live so I went on line and found a web site to get private instruction from professional players with video. I ordered a hitting lesson and it should be here soon. I thought I would pass this info on if anyone is in the same situation.
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Glad you are happy with your product.

You can find swing clips all over the web of those hitters and many more. And save $100.

I still find it ironic that you are in Oklahoma and the website you tout is from...Oklahoma and your only posts on this site are on the topic at hand.

By the way, how'd you get the video when the website says they won't be available until May 1st?
Last edited by redbird5
Good point, but in our CD, the instructor was able to communicate his instruction where my son could understand it and apply it. Personally, if I was learing to fly a jet, I would want someone teaching me who has flown one before. I feel the same way about my son learing baseall. Again that is my opinion. You make a good point mountainman, but in this case the instructor was solid.
Last edited by bballdad17
While I am definately not into slamming people or questioning their motives, I do find it pecular that other then the briefest mention of your son's slump (not mention of lenghth or problem), you haven't mention whether the video did a darn thing to help him!! Who cares what you think of the website or the quality of the video - did it do what it was intended to do??!!
I like to say HIT THE BALL dont SWING AT IT. You see alot of kids that swing at the direction of the baseball. Almost like they are hoping that the path of the bat will meet the path of the ball. Put the barrell on the baseball. I want an explosion on contact the exact point where the barrell meets the baseball. After that all I want to see is *******s and elbows because thats all that matters the damage is done.
Hmm, Mr. Blue Dog, Mr. Ted Williams, in his book, "The Science of Hitting" on page 39, says,
"In fully extended power swing, hands move the bat through the hitting area.......The wrists do not roll. wrists do not roll. Action at the point of impact is comparable to that of the hard, unbroken swing of an ax."

As I said I was looking for some answers for my son and happened to be studying this book when I read your comments, and Mr. Williams seems to be making the same points as our instructor. Stay through the ball with your hands, keep your head behind your barrel. Drive into the ball and extend through the ball, not rolling your wrists at impact. That is what we were told on our CD. No offense, but I take Ted Williams and other professional ballplayers advice over yours.
Last edited by bballdad17
in my opinion there nothing wrong wit postin a good instruction video he found. if its sumtin that works y not share it. and the demo on there was correct in most things it said mayb yall should listen to it a lil more closly it says the batter barred is arm out which is not what u want but u want a short swing. and of course you swing through the ball wat good would it do if you stopped at contact. that just my opinion though.
In the rare case that you make perfect contact extending the hands will do nothing for the swing one way or the other. The ball is gone at that point.

When you've mistimed the swing a slight bit then extending can keep the bat in the zone longer allowing you to still make solid contact, although bat speed begins to drop off as the hands extend "through the ball".

I like the short quick "rotational" swing to the ball, and the extension through the ball, which gets you the best of both worlds. When you time it right you've got maximum bat speed and when you are a bit off you can still make solid contact.
Last edited by CADad
I'm just wondering if these mlb guys you're talking about (Sosa, Palmero, Tejada, Pujos) in the video actually came in to this training center or is it game footage? MLB is no joke about liscensing their footage and its not cheap to use (not cheap like 5000 a minute to be able to use for five years).

Also, these guys need a new web designer...ASAP!


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