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This past winter.. I got caught up in some things that I shouldn't have been doing...(alcohol and cigarettes) but Im done with that but my coach is pretty sure that he knows I did because of things that have went around school.... he said I must regain his trust in me.. Im a good kid.. I just made some bad mistakes this past fall and I am ready to play ball.. so what are some ways I can get him to trust me again.. please let me know..
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Show up at practice early, stay late. If you see a job that needs doing (equipment care, field maintanance, weeding), do it before someone is asked. No standing around, no goofing off. Yes, Coach and No, sir. Work hard and show improvement.

And in a few weeks' time, ask what you can do t improve your game.

Make sure your grades are good and there's no question about your attitude in any of your classes. Staff members talk.

Show that you're back on track.

Best of luck, you've learned quite a lesson here. Good job for straightening yourself up!


From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
There is not a lot to add to Orlandos Answer, Mothers know best. Wink

As a side issue don't beat yourself up too badly for making a those mistakes, just don't make them again. I doubt if any of us parents on this site didn't screw up someway, somehow when we were your age.

The key is to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them. You will make mistakes through out your life, own up to them. I always have more respect for someone who admits to a mistake then for someone who makes excuses.

Lecture over, have a GREAT season. 14

Play every game as if it were your last
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Im going to take a little bit different approach towards you than some of the other posters. First of all trust is a very special thing. It can not be given it must be earned. Once you break a trust the only one that can earn it back is you. It is not up to the coach to earn your trust regarding this situation it is up to you to earn his. This could take a long time maybe the whole season or even longer. Dont feel slighted if this occurs. You brought this on yourself. The best way to handle this situation is to understand that people will be skeptical of you and might monitor you closer than others. This is only a natural human reaction. You must be mature enough to handle this. Dont push the situation and dont worry about the past. Let your actions not words show that you have put those days behind you. You have to be squeaky clean even if others around you might not appear to be. The reason for this is, if they have not broken the trust they will receive the benefit of the doubt but you wont. This is just normal human reaction. I admire you for being honest about your mistakes and looking for ways to make up for them. But what you must understand is you can not make up for them. No one should expect you to make up anything to them. What they should expect is that you will follow the team rules and be squared away. They happened and you move on from here. Just go out and prove that you are squared away now, not by talking the talk but by walking the walk. Thats all any good coach could ask of you. Good Luck

Coach May is 100% on his advise!
I would add...friends, buddies, classmates...
Be careful who you choose to hang out with.
If you're still hanging out with those who "mess around", the perception may be that you are, too.

You have an opportunity here to set a new standard, not only for yourself, but also your peers. I hope you will hold yourself above the fray, and maybe it will rub off on others. Be courageous!

"When you wash the dishes, wash all the dishes!"
It's not what happens to you that determines your fate....its how you handle what happens to you that will.

Everyone has given you great advice, now it's up to you.

People become the sum of the 5 people they choose to hang out with the most.

Pick your friends wisely.

I wish you luck and want to say congrats for being mature enough to make a mistake and try and learn from it.

Good Luck,

The choices we make dictate the lives we lead.

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