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My 2022 worked hard this winter to get ready for his first HS season.  So far, so good as he made the varsity squad, but he wants to keep the gains and stay strong throughout the season.  Wondering though, how have kids in the past dealt with in-season weight training with afternoon practices/scrimmages/games and homework with all of the honors classes?  He has the potential to be a HA kid, so I don't want to compromise his studies, his rest, etc.  He's committed to doing it, but the gym he worked out at isn't open early nor is the high school gym.  We don't have a home gym, though that may be one solution.  Any other suggestions would be helpful.

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He can do "maintenance" lifts, which is an abbreviated routine of key lifts (mainly deadlift, squat) with fewer reps, but normal amount of weight.  This takes 20-30 minutes a couple times a week and the athlete will maintain strength throughout the season.  My son will do this during lunch or a free block.  It's made a big difference in strength.  I've given you an outline of what my  son's trainer puts him on but you can do a little research and get much more info on this.  As I understand things it is a pretty standard approach to in-season lifting.

I agree. A relatively low volume at a relatively high intensity (not quite  max lifts but heavy lifts 4-8 reps) 2-3 times a week should keep most of your strength. You won't gain much strength (unless you are a novice lifter) and maybe you will even lose a little if you are an experienced lifter but you will at least keep like 90% of your strength while if you don't lift at all you will get weaker at the end of the season.

Don't do too much though or you can burn out your cns in combination with all the game stress.

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