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I notice that many coaches recruit in their own state very heavily. Some show a list of only in-state players on their NLI list. Does a player stand a better chance of making a roster in their home state?

Maybe there are recruiting trends which stand out. Maybe a school has a policy to exhaust their state first. Or maybe a coach has connections from his previous job? Maybe its driven by $$$$$ and in-state tuition, depending upon if the school is public or private?

Schools in warm climates have many more players to draw from. We have lots of teammates here in Kansas still looking. It might help players find a match if they know the school's tendancies. Or maybe there's no rhyme or reason! I know a lot depends on the school's needs and the players talents, but some players are spinning their wheels and could use help finding a fit. Are there policies in recruiting to help guide a player in his search?
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There are many reasons why we recruit alot of our players from in-state, below are just a couple of them.

-Easier to see a player play.(based on them being closer and us having limited time and money to recruit all over the country)

-Most states have aggressive academic and financial aid programs for instate students who stay instate for college. Being as limited as we are in scholarships its important to try to put together the best overall(baseball/financial aid) package we can for a player and his family.

-Players alot of times tend to stay close to a certain point to home. Family, girlfriends..ect Also instate players will already have a certain knowledge built of the instate schools and their programs.

-As you stated some states have enough talent that then can recruit the quality of athletes they need right there in their state.
Last edited by N.Greenville

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