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My son injured his index finger a week ago,and got it checked out at the doctor today. It is sprained, and the doctor advised to end his basketball season. He said it wont get injured further if he tapes it, but it wont start to heal until he stops playing basketball He ended the baseball season last year as the starting varsity catcher, as a freshman. So he has a good shot of winning the job from the start this year. He is a role player on the JV basketball team. I think he should stop playing basketball and let it heal before baseball, but he wants to keep playing until the season ends. Advice or opinions please.
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Why go to a doctor seek his advice if you're not going to help your son realize he is risking more then his baseball or basketball future if he doesn't allow his injury to heal properly.

Had this same situation once with my son, sprained his ankle severely was in a boot, but heard from fellow BB parents they saw my son playing basketball in his boot...and wondered why he was not playing BB and missing his pitching turns in the rotation.

Needless to say we took care of that in a hurry. He had injured his growth plates and it needed to heal properly. It doesn't surprise me that your son wants to play and feels like he either letting his teammates down, and or doesn't want to feel that he is acting like a girlyman. That's why Dad's are important to have in the home to make sure sons' don't overplay the macho thing to their own detriment.

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