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I guess running a summer's/fall's worth of practices is now acceptable!!

Was there an explanation given why this change was merited now??

This brings me to how a fine coach and person, Gary Gubbings, was "forced" to resign for running an "illegal" practice (opening up the Broadneck gym to his players) during the offseason two years ago.

Interesting ruling. Would like to hear what was behind this change. From no contact to basically open access.
Much as I like my son's high school coaches, I think it has been invaluable to have him play for other terrific coaches in the summer.

I worry about over-the-top high school coach who will "limit" better players by forcing them to play for the high school team in the off season.

I've heard versions of this happening with a Pa coach who forces his hs kids to play with the local legion team in the summer.
It's definately the wrong decision and one that over the next five years they'll regret having made. There are too many opportunities out there to play over the summer on great teams that benefit the players. The pressure some of these kids may feel to "have to play" for their HS coach should not be there, but with this decision, many difficult decisions ahead will have to be made. What a shame !
Originally posted by The Cutting Edge In Baseball & Softball:

This brings me to how a fine coach and person, Gary Gubbings, was "forced" to resign for running an "illegal" practice (opening up the Broadneck gym to his players) during the offseason two years ago.

This is one of the things that irritates me. You have coaches getting into trouble for doing something simple like this - and then you'll have other coaches/schools who offer a "Baseball class" as part of the PE program which essentially has allowed coaches to practice year-round with their teams... and it's perfectly legal. MPSSAA has turned a deaf ear to this practice as well. I agree with others, let's sit back and watch the number of three sport athletes decline over the coming years.
This is from the MPSSAA website. Now I wish I went to law school so I can interpret it. Smile


Out-of-Season Teams Interpretation


At the April 25th MPSSAA Board of Control meeting, the Board voted 27 to 21 to further refine the definition of an out-of-season team in which members of the high school coaching staff may serve as coaches.

The enhanced interpretation applies only to outside school teams and becomes effective as of the last State Championship game this May. The action does not change any of the current regulations regarding the high school sport season, out-of-season practice, summer camps or any other regulation. It only defines the number of returning athletes that may be members of an outside team that is coached by a member of the school coaching staff.

The wording of the interpretation is as follows:

Out-of-Season Teams

.04G(1) ""Member schools and coaches of member schools shall confine all organized or formal practice for a contestant or a team to the seasonal limitations as defined in Regulation .03.""

Interpretation: Any individual, group, or team gathering that has assembled for the purpose of instruction and is under the direction of any member of the school coaching staff would constitute a violation.

.04G(2) ""A coach may not coach a team representing his school beyond the sports season as defined in Regulation .03.""

Interpretation: Any paid or volunteer coach at a member school may coach a non-school team provided the following criteria are observed:

A. The team may not use a name connected with the school.

B. The team may not use school uniforms or equipment.

C. The team is participating in a league or similar activity sponsored by an educational or non-profit organization outside of the school system. (Individual teams may be supported by businesses, individuals, or other entities as long as the student's amateur standing is not compromised.)

D. Timeframe

1. From the start of the fall sports season as defined in Regulation .03, to the last state championship game of the spring season, the outside teams roster does not exceed 80% of the returning players of what would constitute a starting lineup in that sport OR a modified version thereof. i.e., 7-on-7 football, 3-on-3 basketball, indoor s****r, indoor lacrosse, etc.

Baseball 9 7
Basketball 5 4
Cross Country 7 5
Field Hockey 11 8
Football 11 8
Golf 4 State members 3
Gymnastics—Boys 6 events 4
Gymnastics—Girls 4 events 3
Lacrosse 10 8
S****r 11 8
Softball 9 7
Swimming 12 events 9
Tennis 8 State events 6
Track & Field 18 events 14
Volleyball 6 4
Wrestling 14 11

2. From the last state championship game of the spring season to the first day of fall practice, the outside team roster is unrestricted on the number of returning players.

To avoid any confusion, misapplications, or violations of State Board of Education Regulations, coaches, athletic directors, and principals are strongly urged to check with Local Supervisors with any questions, doubts or confusion about this revised policy.

In addition the MPSSAA has supplied some answers to some frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

In response to questions concerning the revised interpretation regarding what constitutes an out-of-school team the following points of emphasis are offered:

· This more inclusive interpretation of the rule only applies to outside teams that are competing in a bonafide league that is organized by a recognized not for profit organization.

· Teams are non school in nature and by interpretation. Thus, use of school name, uniforms, equipment and finances are prohibited.

· Current regulations regarding summer camps and team camps are unaffected by this action and remain in force. If it looks like a camp, sounds like a camp, structured like a camp and conducted like a camp…….It's a Camp.

· Practice for non school teams coached by members of a school coaching staff:

- may not begin until after the last championship contest of the school year
- must end at the conclusion of that team's summer league schedule
- may number no more than the number of contests scheduled for the summer league team

· Participation on an out of school team may not be a prerequisite either direct or implied for inclusion on the school team.

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