Lots to comment on in this video, but what is the ruling if someone comes out of the dugout and touches a live ball?
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I get that turf fields are lower maintenance but it still sucks to have to play baseball on them. Catcher would have easily found the plate if it was a real plate not painted turf.
As for the guy from the dugout touching the ball, I think it would fall under NCAA rule 6-4-a:
The ball becomes dead and base runners advance one base without liability to be put out when:
a. A spectator or any other individual intentionally interferes with any thrown or batted ball;
PENALTY—The ball is dead at the moment of interference and the umpire shall impose such penalties as to nullify the act of interference.
It was a terrible call by the home plate umpire that prevented an overrated McLennan (TX) team from losing to an unranked Seminole State (OK). FWIW the game was played in Texas so don’t think that didn’t have something to do with it. I’m no fan of Seminole but I have seen calls like this go McLennan’s way consistently for the past decade. McLennan is one of the top JuCo programs in America. They don’t need any help. But they always seem to get it
You can see in the replay the catcher’s foot never touched home.