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Ah, The Wide World of the Internets

Dad Apparently Doesn't Like His Son's College Coach

I enjoyed Fourth & Fifty's eval of the Pronouncement:

"First off, Vinny wisely chose to wait until after the MLB draft to air his grievances, so that there would be no backlash against UH pitchers. That’s some serious chutzpah to think that one’s 18-point font rant would sway the opinions of GM’s charged with selecting the future talent of multi-million enterprises. Because you have your scouts, you have your analytics, and then you have parent blogs. That is the three-legged stool of talent evaluation."

and then there are the players themselves (football, in this instance):

Announcing Your Transfer With Flair
"They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance." --- Terry Pratchett
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I see no problem with a father releasing a long winded public rant like that........When would a kid have the time to write something that long and keep a straight face throughout

Actually, articles like this do serve a purpose . Hopefully parents of young kids who have a history of verbal outbursts will read this and realize how idiotic they may sound when venting their issues publically and will curtail their own "insert foot" comments. IMHO Mr Raviele is the sacrifical lamb "good" parents send to slaughter in order to make a point that what you say, many times should be kept to yourself.

Besides it fulfilled my "good laugh" for the day requirement Big Grin.
Last edited by rz1
When I lost track there were about 400 "Jimmy's". I have to admit I only scrolled down an inch before I got bored reading. I did see where his son was better in LL than a first round pick. By that logic I should have pitched in the World Series. I was a better LL pitcher than a friend who spent six years in the majors.
Last edited by RJM
Ok, I admit it, I have the attention span of a gnat and only made it a few paragraphs in before I started skimming.

I think Vince needs a group hug and Jimmy is probably trying to figure out if he qualifies for witness protection.

If you really want to laugh, read Orlando's second link to the UCLA quarterbacks transfer press release and then read the comments underneath. I almost pee'd my pants...those folks are funny.

EXAMPLE: From Katni

Fact: I was practice player of the week as a freshman multiple times.

I'm not sure that "tackling dummy" really counts as a position.
Last edited by CPLZ
That was weird. although...I know a young fellow that that played in that conference and was at the game (vs UTSA)where you see Noble going nuts piling up the dirt.

Said it was truly a bizzare moment for all in attendance.

I get the impression Jimmy's dad does not care for Noble. I just can't believe they would stay.
Last edited by cball
Anybody that has ever known a player that played at UofH can authenticate with what this man is saying about his son. Noble is a headcase and a mind freak. I have personally known several players to come out of there and I can honestly say I would never want my kid to have to deal with that. Call it what you want, mental toughness, I don't care, there is no excuse for his behavior. The sad part is that they tell you how great your kid is and the moment you sign, its another story. Jimmy is CERTAINLY not the first to experience this ****. Good luck with your crusade to educate the baseball world and please post this up on H5AB.
Originally posted by downandout:
Anybody that has ever known a player that played at UofH can authenticate with what this man is saying about his son. Noble is a headcase and a mind freak. I have personally known several players to come out of there and I can honestly say I would never want my kid to have to deal with that. Call it what you want, mental toughness, I don't care, there is no excuse for his behavior. The sad part is that they tell you how great your kid is and the moment you sign, its another story. Jimmy is CERTAINLY not the first to experience this ****. Good luck with your crusade to educate the baseball world and please post this up on H5AB.

Might very well be, and players know right away about coaches personalities after a long fall. I get the feeling, the dad was more unhappy then Jimmy, Jimmy knew exactly where he stood as a pitcher.

Where was he going to go where he would be an impact pitcher? He had some chances and the results were not as great as dad posted.
downandout, there are certainly as many difficult coaches as there are difficult people in any other profession. So transfer as soon as you figure out what the gig is; don't wait four years and post a diatribe.

Coach, I was a little disappointed that the football posters seemed to have better flair in their responses than the baseball ones! Cool
Maybe I misread, and I refuse to go back and look again, but didn't they start hearing about this coach during the recruitment process? Weren't they the ones who jumped on the first offer and turned down everything else.

The only blame here seems to be the family that didn't do their homework before committing.

After reading for 5 minutes (so I'm a slow reader), and starting into year one of little league, I looked at the scroll bar to the right and realized we were just starting the journey through this kids entire life. I could only get through half of it.
I read this early this morning when know one had posted on it. I agree "wow" is the right word for it. I still have a headache from reading it. Guess I got a bad case of the Jimmy's.
I don't remember reading if Jimmy graduated or not, if he did and was on scholarship, I would guess that at 10 grand or more a year, Jimmy got a good education in many ways.
I feel really sorry for Jimmy. We met him several years ago at a UH showcase-he was a senior, my son-a sophomore. As we were leaving, he came over to us and told us my son had a great day and if he kept working he'd definitely be playing college ball,etc. Very polite, sincere,etc. Really made an impression on us because of this. We saw him at a UH game that spring and he remembered my son and came over to say hello-said he was going to play at UH. Never met his dad but Jimmy seemed like a really nice kid.

We heard rumors about most of the coaches who were recruiting my son-including Noble. Ultimately, it was the school that made my son turn down the offer not Noble. Actually only met him once but his recruiting coordinator at the time, Coach Blount, was first-class and gave us a very positive feeling about the team. UH is a mainly a commuter school in a bad part of Houston-not going to give you the "typical" college experience my son decided he wanted. I would think that would be a big part of the recruiting problem-but who knows?
Last edited by ORmom
Originally posted by justbaseball:
It takes a lot of hurt to put this much effort in. I could never imagine doing something like this...but I feel real bad for the son. I cannot see how this helps him at all.

I agree, my son would have disowned me by the time I got done writing it.
Coach Blount, was first-class and gave us a very positive feeling about the team

We never met Coach Noble, but Blount was one of the few college coaches who unfailingly responded to my son's emails during the recruiting process. He was very professional and considerate and even replied with a congratulatory email when my son committed to a different school. Since he was the recruiting coordinator at the time, perhaps the players UH targeted were not aware of the problems with the head coach.

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