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This thread is the best. I admit it, I only read up to the Senior Year in HS.

I'm hoping someone can explain Jimmy's 9 yr old home runs in Little League and the link as to why he did not get any playing time in College. My guess is, obviously Coach Noble was never informed of Jimmy's stellar Little League record.
Last edited by ball4
Originally posted by justbaseball:
It takes a lot of hurt to put this much effort in. I could never imagine doing something like this...but I feel real bad for the son. I cannot see how this helps him at all.

The word that jumps to mind is, SEETHING. Can you imagine the festering that went on during all 4 years?

I'm with you about Jimmy, the kid doesn't deserve this, it's gotta be embarrassing.
I just finished reading the whole thing and my head hurts. Eek
Couple of things jumped out at me, but one, being a parent of a pitcher struck me as odd in his complaint.
Why would one be upset because the pitcher got the ball when bases are loaded? This is an extreme compliment to any pitcher, and also your time to show them you can get the job done. That's why most college pitchers START out as relievers. That situation shows the coach what you are made of so you can earn being a starter.

And another thing, how the heck do people remember all of the stuff that happened years ago. Do they keep a diary?

I don't know what type of pitcher Jimmy is/was but it's obvious he didn't live up to dad's expectations, so let's just blame the coach. That is sooooo sad, the player just didn't get the job done, blame someone else. At some point, there lies a responsibility upon the player, where he has to put in the necessary work to make himself better. If that means making a change then you do it.

If a coach makes promises before you set foot on his field, run in the other direction, you have to EARN it.
Originally posted by CPLZ:
The word that jumps to mind is, SEETHING. Can you imagine the festering that went on during all 4 years?

After the "WOW" has worn off -------I've had some other thoughts. The internet has brought to our fingertips the ability to vent to the world without face-2-face contact and that makes "spilling your guts" much easier. IMO, This guy jumped out of the box onto the virtual Highway and got smacked by all the traffic without having the foresight of understanding the ramifications of his action.

Was he wrong?.....Absolutely

Is he embarrassed today for himself and his kid?.....I'll bet he's still looking for a hole deep enough to climb into.

Would he do it again?......Maybe, but probably not to that extent and not without asking the opinions and editing options of trusted family and friends.

If this guy was a friend of mine a swift kick in the a$$ would happen first, and then a sit-down to make sure he was ok with his life would have to happen. We all do stupid things in our lives, things we regret, things we wish we could take back, but when the shet hits the fan it's how we respond to those situations that counts.

This man has a gut full of hostility that he cannot put behind him. Not only is that dangerous to himself, but, we have seen violent acts that many in our society revert to in times of personal turmoil. If nothing else lets be thankful that he used the "written word" to display his displeasure and not an alternative.

This is an out of character pc post on my part, but after reading that the kid is "well adjusted" and me being a firm believer that the "nut doesn't fall far from the tree", I'm giving this guy the benefit of the doubt that his 15 min of fame did not go as planned, and deep down there is a well meaning person penned up behind those words.

btw- This is an opinion without personally knowing the guy. After meeting him and finding out what makes him tick, I may end up being the guy on the internet highway that would run him over and then back up and run over him again crazy.
Last edited by rz1
I read up to Jimmy's high school career. My initial reaction so far in reading is that from the way the father talks about baseball, it seems that he doesn't know much about it. "he threw the fastest" "Jimmy could dig out the bad throws" "he would throw the knuckle and get the third strike almost every time" "it usually wasn't much of a hit and just rolled to an infielder"

Did anyone else notice this? That it seemed as if he had never talked about baseball before?
Let's see....
Note to self:
When feeling the need to blog (and rant)
Save it and read it again in 2 weeks, see if you still want to post.

2nd Note to self:
Stuff happens all over baseball, timing, injuries, luck, friendships, connections, all play in your future, make the most of them, everyone else will.

3rd Note to self:
What I can remember about my kids career from T-ball through today:
He was a good little T-baller.
He was a good little Minor Leaguer.
He was a good little Major Leaguer.
He did well in high school.
He plays in college.
Uh-OH, I used He, six times, only 526 to go!

I understand the guys pain, I really do, I hope
"J" ( the son) will change his name and stay with baseball as long as he has the desire.
Originally posted by iheartbb:

When feeling the need to blog (and rant)
Save it and read it again in 2 weeks, see if you still want to post.

I received some wonderful advice once...never send a business proposition or emotional letter out without sleeping on it first. Invariably, I always changed the letter the next day, sometimes slightly, sometimes electing not to send it all.

I remember once I wrote a scathing letter, but didn't have a chance to sleep on it because I was leaving for a weeks fishing on vacation the next day and wouldn't have the opportunity to mail it. When I got back from vacation, there was a letter on my desk written by a man in the throes of some very negative emotions...almost psychotic. I was glad I never sent that letter before I went on vacation...then I was glad I took a vacation, I obviously needed it. Big Grin
IF08, it is indeed hard to look away!! In a sense, this whole video is a metaphor for the situation. The 'spectacle' being provided by the father, and poor Jimmy, just standing there dazed and confused.

Guilty admission: I've watched it four times, trying to figure it out. Without context, it's really just plain bizarre - but kind of catchy, too!
Originally posted by RJM:
I did a little research. The kid who never got a chance according to dad, led his staff in appearances his soph year (6.47 ERA). Maybe his career 6.00+ ERA was an issue.

Jimmy's ERA this year was over 9. Man, I feel for the kid, you know...Jimmy. I have a feeling Jimmy's old man turned what could have been a rich and rewarding experience for he and Jimmy into Jimmy's nightmare.

That was the insane rant of the millenium.
Last edited by Dad04

I too, noticed some of the terminology also seemed out of place for someone who had once been president of the Little League and had been around baseball for years. Very strange for someone who has been around his sons career that long. At one showcase we went to in San Antonio, put on by the Washington Nationals two years ago, they wouldn't even let kids throw a knuckle ball which ruled out one guy we knew who threw it a lot. I think most college coaches and pro scouts feel it is a pitch for broken down or older pitchers not for young prospects because in most cases you have to have something else to go with it. Reading this guys rant, I literally thought this kid was lights out most of the time, but when other posters came up with stats it tells the true story.
I'm not sure if this isn't the best thread of all time (for the wrong reasons). and Jersey Dad is so funny... Reading the letter was like watching the OJ Simspon Bronco chase - you wondered why you were watching it, and then knew you couldn't stop...

He had me when I was deep in Jimmy's Little League career, and I realized it was like every conversation I had ever had with any parent who wished to brag and complain about their son. At that point I felt both sad and sympathetic, because this man feels he had had his own dream crushed by Coach Noble and can't separate the two.

I hereby vow - that if I ever think about complaining about a coach or fail to be a good baseball parent, I will reread the posted letter and count to ten.

In the end, it doesn't matter what Coach Noble did (and I love my son too). But you don't do that.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
I personally am amazed at how many of you seem to enjoy bashing the father and kid. You have way too much time on your hands. Sound like a bunch of immature kids.

It's a train wreck BHD. You can't bare to watch, but can't look away, either. I feel bad for the kid and his dad, more so for the kid who probably did nothing wrong and hopefully had a positive college experience overall. Not only did Vinny put together a car alarm, but he took rose colored glasses to a new level.
Last edited by Dad04
No one bashed Jimmy, his stats are what they are, though do not tell the whole story, I got the impression from what dad wrote they would be better.

Regarding nightmare coaches, you might be surprised that everyone has a story to tell. Coaches do some weird stuff when they don't have a winning program.

Tried to read it but only made it to little league!

Anyone who actually read the whole thing should be nominated for THE "JIMMY B GOOD Reader Award ! Smile

Rules-must read every JIMMY

- no bathroom break
- only one 15 minute nap allowed during reading
- no substance abuse to help you
- must not call spouse Jimmy in error after finishing this reading while gazing at her/him though glassy eyes
Originally posted by TPM:
No one bashed Jimmy, his stats are what they are, though do not tell the whole story, I got the impression from what dad wrote they would be better.

Regarding nightmare coaches, you might be surprised that everyone has a story to tell. Coaches do some weird stuff when they don't have a winning program.

Coaches do react differently when they are not winning. They will try anything and everything to fix it. Winning teams are happy teams and visa versa.
JPontiac and Three Bagger's comments got me to thinking. This being the internet and all, there is a ton of "facts" in this rant that would lead one to think that Jimmy's dad actually wrote this rant. But what if there is something else going on and we are all being duped? I mean, how do we, being casual observers of this 'terrible injustice' really know any of this is real?

Of course, I also think that the whole Susan Boyle story is some manipulation of the public by Simon for ratings.

Last edited by infidel_08
I had to stop when I got to Jimmy in LL. Really, that far back?

I then realized that the "Little Johnny" so famously discussed on this board on so many occasions is in actuality: Little Jimmy.

Holy smoke, batman. Give the guy a sedative and a short vacation in a mental health facility. Seeth is one word for his state of mind, but what came to my mind was "spew."
Good job raising the tone, CP Wink

How often have we had the question or suggestion here that some parent is going to 'talk to the coach' or goes into a spewette (eh, qg?) about how unfair a coach is? If this Over-The-Topness serves, as hyperbole can, to show those parents that their response just might be inappropriate (or even unfounded...I mean, LL numbers?!), then our discussion here is valid.

Question is, are 'those parents' reading and recognizing? Wink
Ahhhh.... but this insane dad is going to learn that once you post something on the internet it never goes away. If you have not read this rant-post simply enter "" into your Google search bar. It will appear as the first result. Then click on "cached" and the original post will appear.

Sorry Vinnie - not so easy to erase your actions. angry
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
I personally am amazed at how many of you seem to enjoy bashing the father and kid. You have way too much time on your hands. Sound like a bunch of immature kids.

I'm rubber you're glue, what you say, bounces of me and sticks to you.

I know you are, but what am I?

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