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Scenario- runner on second taking his lead-off. Shortstop come up behind runner and stands inches away from him. From this position, raises both arms up and over the top of the runner and shadows baserunner as he moves. Also from this position, he pounds his glove behind runner's head.
My question is this legal or illegal action from the fielder in NFHS?

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He can certainly bang his glove behind him, dumb but legal. Reaching over him, absolutely not. The problem is the BU is not going to see it or monitor it if you tell him it is going on. The PU is the only one that can see it but he is busy watching the pitcher, etc. The way the the runner fixes the problem is when he reaches over his shoulder, take off, run into his arm and fall down. Tell him to watch soccer for training. If they play on him or the ball gets hit when it happens then it is obstruction and he is getting a base. The only other thing you can do is have your AD call his AD and explain the childish crap his coach is teaching. 

I thought this was the case. I asked the umpires to deal with it but they were not strong enough. Spoke to the the opposing coach who also was not interested, took some abuse from his parents in the process.
Originally Posted by Michael S. Taylor:

He can certainly bang his glove behind him, dumb but legal. Reaching over him, absolutely not. The problem is the BU is not going to see it or monitor it if you tell him it is going on. The PU is the only one that can see it but he is busy watching the pitcher, etc. The way the the runner fixes the problem is when he reaches over his shoulder, take off, run into his arm and fall down. Tell him to watch soccer for training. If they play on him or the ball gets hit when it happens then it is obstruction and he is getting a base. The only other thing you can do is have your AD call his AD and explain the childish crap his coach is teaching. 

I did ask our players to do try this about half way through the game, but players are to nice and didn't really want to try and hurt someone. We need to work on toughing up!
Originally Posted by Michael S. Taylor:

It will stop as the SS gets older, older players will just step on his ankle or foot to let him know to back off. 

Low level high school ball in Dubai. Don't think the coach has instructed him to do this. My feeling he has been influence by his dad, based on the exchange of words I had with a parent at the game.
Originally Posted by Rob T:

What age group is this?


Antics like this tend to get players thrown at or spiked once testosterone starts kicking in.


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