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I love travel ball, i think it's a great way for these kids to get year round instruction, get better and help being seen by colleges. I don't like the one's that recreut and do no teaching of the game at all, they just try to recreut the best players. I also think alot of them have alot of false messages and stretch the truth to get these players on their teams. I think there's a ton of politics in it and a ton of garbage associated with alot of them. And I see alot of you guys on here praising one or the other or first loving one, then when the kid didn't get what the parent wanted going to another one and praising that one. Or a kid played 1 game with a travel team and commits to a D1 school or already was committed, next thing you know it's posted all over the travel team website when they had nothing to do with it probably. Then a nieve parent thinks that that club got the kid into that school, when it actually had nothing to do with it. Very misleading stuff.

I wonder if you guys have seen alot of the players on these teams or your just saying they are good cause you heard of the travel team name? How many of the same kids are on multiple rosters? that's another thing that strikes me as weird with travel baseball. Midwest Blazers are throwing good pitchers out there but with wood anything can happen.
I am sure that you don't know anything about any of the other teams from Illinos. I would also bet that nobody knows anything about any of these teams from Iowa or Minnessota, even the hitters. There is no way you guys know who they have on their team from Wisconsin, your just going on the fact you know their name. And with Cangelosi or Longshots you might know a few kids on that team. Why is Crowley on the longshots roster but scheduled to pitch for the Midwest Blazers? Figure that one out.

There is a lot of truth in what you describe. I do think though, that the travel coach, as well as the high school coach would probably both agree, "If you don't want to be here, then go somewhere else." Maybe harder to do in a high school scenario. Yes, I have seen imperfections in both...but no one ever promised me the rose garden either.
I'm sure it's fun, I understand it. Stating my opinion. Not everyone is fortunate enough to afford all that. I sure it cost money for Iowa, let alone Florida. On top of if they went to Georgia during the summer. I think there's a big contigent of people that think just because a team is from another state they must be a high level team and that's just not the case. There's alot of average out of state teams just like the one's you'd see in Illinois tournaments.

I will say though, Iowa looks like it has some very good teams in there, some that stacked up particularily for this tourney.
How expensive would it be if your kid wasn't doing something productive (baseball) & got in something that wasn't (illegal activities)?

Rehab ain't cheap & neither are lawyers.

I am not saying that kids who don't play baseball all get into trouble. However, when my kid is practicing at 500 AM in the spring, he don't have the energy to do ANYTHING at night.

Go baseball.
Actually I think it's more likely kept ME out of rehab! Great for family togetherness (even though we don't sit together at the games, we still ride there and back in the same car), lots of social interaction with other baseball parents (and someone to talk about in the car on the way there and back), AND a great excuse to leave work on time (OK, sometimes even early!) 4 or 5 days a week! Smile

The reality though is plenty of kids who are heavily involved in sports still get in all kinds of other trouble - there are parents on this site who can tell you some sad, scary stories - so don't assume anything. The pressures are still there and sometimes for our boys the pressures are magnified by the added pressure to do well on the field - it can be tough to handle and unfortunately some do choose to deal with it chemically. And it sure doesn't end in high school.
Blazers --4-0 seed . given up goose eggs so far .

Cangy white ( 2 seed ) is top scoring team in this tourneys pool play --36 runs ...given up only 1 .

McHenry Hurricanes , longshots , pbr ( tt ) , racine hitters all failed to make playoff round.

Cangy Blue team ( Copp ) is in the playoff round as well .

Side Note ..both Cangelosi teams are missing some notable starting position players this weekend. Both teams playing extremely well despite that .
Last edited by sulltiger24

Im not there myself ..getting second hand info . The pg teams that i have seen myself this fall are decent ..but will struggle against the better teams . PG Iowa team is one of the teams in the playoffs . They won the pool that the hurricanes were in , so they must be pretty good. Go to the pg website and you can check out all of the results from this weekend .
Last edited by sulltiger24

An awful lot of vague negativity.

These teams aren't as good as you think they are.
You only like them because you've heard their name before.
These teams recreut/recruit.
It's too expensive.


Reputation means a lot but they still have to show it on the field.

Teams what? Baseball isn't the main fall high school sport so I'm sure there are some players that you'd 'rather' see here but they're playing football.

It's too expensive. Yeah. So you either figure out how to do it or you don't.

All I know is my son's team got to play on some nice fields against some of the best competition we've seen all year. That includes the high school and summer seasons.

In our last game, we got one-hit by a senior reportedly going to Creighton next fall. Yes, we lost and it doesn't get any better than this!

I think that if you don't like something, that's fine. You don't necessarily need to let everyone else know that.

I think this tournament was awesome and can't wait for the next one.

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