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Playing under NFHS rules...

Starting lineup has DH for SP (Starting P). While on defense, later in the game, SP goes to LF, and new P comes into the game, LF comes out.

My understanding is the SP can hit in the LF's spot (since the team is not batting, he is not locked into the DH spot). Given this, can the DH now bat for the RP (Relief P), or is the DH burned b/c the player he was DHing for is now hitting?
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What you are saying is legal under OBR but illegal under NFHS. In your scenario, under pro rules, the role of the DH is terminated and the manager must indicate to the umpire in which slots the SP and the new pitcher are batting. One would be in the DH spot and one will be in the left fielders spot.

Under NFHS, the DH is batting for a player, not a position. If the DH is batting for the pitcher, and the pitcher goes to left field, you still have the DH batting for that person.

Under NFHS the DH and the player he is batting for are both locked into one spot in the batting order. It doesn't matter which team is at bat. The only person the defensive player can bat for is the DH, which would terminate the role of the DH.

Sounds like you are confusing the Pro rule with the NFHS Rule.
Last edited by mrumpiresir
Originally posted by mrumpiresir:
Under NFHS, the DH is batting for a player, not a position.

To be clearer, the DH is batting for a lineup spot, no matter what player is in that spot. However, the player he is DHing for is locked into that spot on the lineup as well. Once a player is locked into a lineup spot, he cannot be moved to any other spot on the lineup.
Last edited by yawetag
Ok, thanks for some clarity.

Can DH ever enter the game into a defensive position later (P or otherwise?)

We're playing in a couple of HS leagues this summer that allow an EH and DH. With a larger roster than I'm used to keeping, I'm DHing for the SP every game, since those guys get plenty of ABs when they aren't pitching. I'm used to playing with an EH, if I want to use one...just free substitution for that player basically... but the DH rules are a little fuzzy for me.

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