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back to the whole research thing...I kinda missed the middle conversation. All of what was said about seeing games is absolutely true. I would add, figure out what your kid wants to do in his college career:

1. Does he want to start right away?
2. Does he want to win?
3. Does he want a chance at playoffs?
4. Does he want to win a national championship?
5. Does he want to start/play for that team?
6. Does he want to just be on the team?

The answer to many maybe yes, but you need to decide what is important, starting for an 8-32 team, sitting for a 32-8 team? Playing against great competition, or watching teams play against your team (great competiton)? There is a reason the NCAA says there are 130,000 finish HS, 7,300 make freshman rosters, and 5,700 make to be a senior.

(I paste this like everytime I write a message, hope it helps)

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