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I was wondering if one of the umpires could answer a qustion I have .
OK on the 3rd strike of an at bat the pitch gets pst the catcher, is this a WP or a passed ball. can a pitch be a stike and a WP at the same time ?
I have always belived that it was scord as K for the pitcher and a error on the catcher.
We have enough youth , what we need is a fountain of smart!
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Originally posted by hoop:
I was wondering if one of the umpires could answer a qustion I have .
OK on the 3rd strike of an at bat the pitch gets pst the catcher, is this a WP or a passed ball. can a pitch be a stike and a WP at the same time ?
I have always belived that it was scord as K for the pitcher and a error on the catcher.

R1, one out, batter swings at pitch which F2 misplays, R1 advances to 2B..Strike/passed ball.
Same situation, only pitch is wide and F2 cannot reach it..Strike/wild pitch.

Two strikes, batter swings and misses, BR reaches 1B:
A..F2 cannot catch ball..K/passed ball.
B..Pitch is wide, F2 cannot reach..K/wild pitch.
No error charged in either example.
This is the way MLB looks at them.

(a) A wild pitch shall be charged when a legally delivered ball is so high, or so wide, or so low that the catcher does not stop and control the ball by ordinary effort, thereby permitting a runner or runners to advance. (1) A wild pitch shall be charged when a legally delivered ball touches the ground before reaching home plate and is not handled by the catcher, permitting a runner or runners to advance. (b) A catcher shall be charged with a passed ball when he fails to hold or to control a legally pitched ball which should have been held or controlled with ordinary effort, thereby permitting a runner or runners to advance.
Someone please help me with a variation on this subject that happened in on of our games last week. No runners on base. Batter swings at strike three, catcher misshandles ball (PB) and squirts away, batter runs to 1B, catcher recovers ball in time to throw to 1B. Throw beats runner, but throw is wide and batter-runner is safe at 1B, but does not advance to 2B on wide throw.

I think it should be scored DTS-PB, E2 throwing. However, my computer scoring program did not allow me to score that way. To credit the pitcher with the K, had to score DTS-PB only. Could not score E2 for throwing error. Probably a short coming with the program. Am I correct in scoring this one DTS-PB, E2 throwing?

Beenthere, it is good that you see how conserned I am about the catchers of baseball being able to get the credit they deserve.
I also like you belive that the bounced curve is the most misplayed pitch in the game. If we all give our best effort I belive that we can eliminate this short comeing in all the catchers of today and return them to the excellence of our day.
Hoop...Blocking, by a catcher, of a curve ball, is a lost "art".

When I was catching, I was DETERMINED that that little white thing was not going to get by me and embarrass me and my pitcher and my teammates. I still don't understand why, when I was drafted as a "catcher", they wanted me to play centerfield and rightfield because I could run and throw. I was a catcher, dog-gone it!

Way to many Spaniards playing behind the dish today, i.e., guys that do the " 'ole" with the glove as the ball goes squirting by them!! if they are at a bullfighting contest in Spain or Mexico!
beenthere , all kidding aside I really do love to see a catcher who just will not let a ball get by him. when you see a catcher like this it also lets you know that the pitcher will throw any pitch on any count , he is not worried about the ball getting past the catcher he knows that as long as he is some where near the plate his catcher will have his back.
Last edited by hoop

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