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Is it time for my son to :
1. Attend a pro tryout ?
2. Attend a local or national showcase ?
3. Is Perfect game I D Showcase local or national ?
Here is his byo.
started as a freshman on varsity, pitcher,radared in April 03 5th inning at consistant 82 MPH from a JUCO recruiter.When I told him he was only a freshman he put his gun away.This year he's a sophmore throwing consistant high 80s.curve looking better every game, plays on a summer travel team every summer for the past 3 years.
Now can anybody out there guide me to the next step,please ?
Our summer teams schedule this year seems to consist of a lot of games ( quality teams ) rather than high profile tournaments .
Should we play these high quality teams and see how he does this year and next year concentrate on showcases or take another direction ? Please help ?
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I guess what I'm trying to find out is if he would fit in at one of these showcases based on his byo. We live in a non baseball town and I don't know if his credentials match up to the rest of the country. I checked the time line like you said,now do I contact them thru their website or do I try to get Bama Bomber thru HSBW ? I don't think I'll get any help from his HS coach.Did you try the Pro tryouts and if you did what did you think of them.
now do I contact them thru their website or do I try to get Bama Bomber thru HSBW ?

IMO, yes & yes. Also connect w/ Tom Rizzi, aka TRhit. He operates a showcase venue in the NE based out of CT.

In reality, the most important summer to be seen & showcased is the summer after the junior year. If you can afford it, a regional showcase after the sophomore year is a good idea - just for the experience. MLB tryouts are cool too. They're free!
College Select with Tom [TRHit] Rizzi is a great avenue. Also look right in central PA at ECTB []With what you have supplied he will fit in at either and probably be a stand out. Then look to one of the large national showcases T1 Area Code or my personal favorite Perfect Game You will find the PG people remarkably accessable and helpful.We have just finished one son next one is forECTB tryout in 10 days and most certainly will apply for College Select this summer he has been to one PG showcase already. He is primarily a third baseman but is also a pitcher throwing in the low 80's and a sophmore.He did not feel overmatched at PG but was not at this time a top prospect either he received I believe a 7.5 rating out of 10. He will probably head to the underclassman NE [PG] showcase this summer and if he does well may look to the really big stuff in the fall.
Thanks everyboby,
This is why I love this sight, everybodys here to help. Thanks TR for your PM. I think we're going to your NY showcase and I think we're going to try 2 pro tryouts in June to get the experience.
Thanks justafan for your input and good luck with your boys. On the ECTB deal ,our summer team was supposed to start up the Western region for ECTB 3 years ago, but it never materialized. As far as traveling east in PA on the PA turnpike, I don't think I have enough vacation time to go across PA at 55.

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