Is it time for my son to :
1. Attend a pro tryout ?
2. Attend a local or national showcase ?
3. Is Perfect game I D Showcase local or national ?
Here is his byo.
started as a freshman on varsity, pitcher,radared in April 03 5th inning at consistant 82 MPH from a JUCO recruiter.When I told him he was only a freshman he put his gun away.This year he's a sophmore throwing consistant high 80s.curve looking better every game, plays on a summer travel team every summer for the past 3 years.
Now can anybody out there guide me to the next step,please ?
Our summer teams schedule this year seems to consist of a lot of games ( quality teams ) rather than high profile tournaments .
Should we play these high quality teams and see how he does this year and next year concentrate on showcases or take another direction ? Please help ?
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