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My oldest Son is 15 & is a Sophmore. He is 6' Tall but only weighs 150 Lbs. He is rock solid & very flexable. He throws in the low to mid 80's with little effort. He has very good Mechanics and works very hard on his game. The issue is his age & his size. He is projected to grow another 2 or 3 inches & with that will come more weight. Is it too early to reach out to College Coaches & start going to Showcases. My fear is that they may be turned off by his lack of weight. Or is it better to show off his good stuff with a potential of more Growth? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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CBM, welcome!

Are you asking if your son should showcase this winter or this summer? I don't see an advantage on showcasing now, but this summer is a different story. Showcases can be expensive, so a lot depends on your budget.

Does your son expect to play varsity as a sophomore? Having that experience under his belt will be great.
I recommend you send your son to a one day camp at Boston College, UConn, URI and Northeastern over the next year. He will learn a few things and get noticed for his potential. It may put him on their radar screen. When he's a junior there's Select Fest in NJ and PG event on the Cape.
Last edited by RJM
Your son's profile sounds very close to my own son's from two years ago (5-11, 150, 85 mph). My son is now a senior and 6-1, 165, sits at the high-80s and has topped out at 92. Summer between sophomore and junior year is when things started taking off for him. I only wish we had planned and laid out his schedule with a little bit more forethought.

What are his plans for this coming summer? If he's not on one now, he should find a well-establlished and well-respected travel team to play on (one with a good pitching coach!) and plan on attending some showcases or college camps.

Good luck!--he's in a great spot right now and now is the time to plan ahead and lay out a strategy.
Last edited by slotty
Personally,from what I have seen summer travel ball will bring the best results at this age.Wood bat travel is the best way IMO.He will be almost all wood bat by the time he is a junior anyway.Showcasing is very important in the recruiting process.Start with local/smaller showcases so he can get the feel of what they are about. Dont forget about college camps either.
Hi there,

You have had some great advice.

My son was a carbon copy of yours. 1 year and 20+ lbs later ...... I can look back and add up my food bills to see what happened!

The best move we made in sophomore year was a fall college camp, at a 'reach-y' but not impossible school for him both in terms of academics and baseball.

So I might suggest consider your son's academic stats and potential as well as baseball projectibles, and pick a camp or two to motivate him.

Given the time of year we are headed into, since camps aren't happening now, you might want to get him to see a game or practice at a local U or college. (There are 2 or 3 current threads on this topic now).

Have him do an info session with admissions for motivation, an admissions campus tour to 'picture himself in college,' and maybe saying hi to a coach (but as a 2014 you may not get that chance). Most of the time, this early exposure to what the colleges are looking for motivates the academic side, and, seeing a college game or practice will get his competitive juices flowing.

Good luck and welcome to the HSBBW conversations.

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