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On another thread, we touched on this topic.


Do you think Life is basically unfair? Or do we get out of life what we put into it? Do we pay high taxes because of some unfair rule? Did we end up with ugly children because life is unfair? Did I not get that promotion because the cards are stacked against me?

What do you think?


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cadDad I really enjoyed the post you made in the thread you are talking about. Until I read that I would say I was one of those guys who would automatically say "Life is unfair - get used to it". After reading your post I may have to rethink that position.

If life is unfair then what is the point in working for anything? If it's meant to be it's because you cozied up to the right people. I don't think that's true in all cases.

I think unfair things happen in life but overall life hands you a situation and it's up to you as to what you do with it. If you want to gripe and complain about how you are done wrong then you are right - you were done wrong (it was just by yourself).

I have accomplished a lot in my life and I'm proud of it. Some of it was due to pure blind luck, some of it was due to knowing the right people but the vast majority of it was due to me wanting it and making it happen.

It goes back to the old adage - is the glass half full or half empty? I have always tried to take the attitude of it's half full. Can't say I'm 100% successful but I don't think anybody can.
It is unfair. But I think it's important to use those "unfair" experiences to your advantage and learn from them. Sometimes that learning experience will flesh out that you made a mistake on your approach, sometimes you will find that a little "ruthlessness" on your part would have fixed things up, but, many times the cliche, "shet happens", is the cause. I agree with BOF that you should "get over it", but, not without "walking through" the event to make sure there was not something you could have done different that may help avert a similar problem in the future.

As humans we have the traits of long term memory and problem analysis that put us at the top of the food chain. IMHO, those traits are not used enough on a personal level.
Last edited by rz1
Life is not FAIR. Some people are born with incurable diseases, is that fair? Some children are born in Port-au-Prince,Hati, some in Naples, Florida. Is that fair? Some are born with tremendous IQ in New England and achieve great things. Some are born with tremendous IQ in Cuba and are limited to what they can achieve. Is that FAIR?

In baseball some can run a 6.3 60 and some a 8.3 60, are they going to be persued "fairly"?

Life is anything but FAIR. One can achieve "great" things with what they are born with or where/what they are born (with). But life is never fair. We do not have equal outcomes, regardless of the effort or skill that an individual posesses.
I am not pointing to this guy as any type of role model but he said something that made me pause and think. Gene Simmons - of the rock group KISS - said his mother was a holocaust survivor. She had a saying "Any day above ground is a good day"

Sometimes fairness merely depends on perspective and how you define it. I believe there is good luck and bad luck in life. Sometimes, no matter how hard you work, you will not get the desired result. Other times, not getting the desired result is the best thing that could have happened to you.
Originally posted by floridafan:
Life is not FAIR. Some people are born with incurable diseases, is that fair? Some children are born in Port-au-Prince,Hati, some in Naples, Florida. Is that fair? Some are born with tremendous IQ in New England and achieve great things. Some are born with tremendous IQ in Cuba and are limited to what they can achieve. Is that FAIR?

In baseball some can run a 6.3 60 and some a 8.3 60, are they going to be persued "fairly"?

Life is anything but FAIR. One can achieve "great" things with what they are born with or where/what they are born (with). But life is never fair. We do not have equal outcomes, regardless of the effort or skill that an individual posesses.

i disagree is neither fair or unfair....."it is what it is"

the player who runs the 6.3 60 maybe a world class jerk, who waste his talents and never has a true friend.....the guy who runs the 8.3 60 may become a high school coach and have a positive impact on the lives of hundreds of young men.

then you have the tim tebows of the world.....young men who seem to have it all, but also seem to truly give it all they have.....

it's what you make of your skills....that's what truly matters.
I think you are in agreement with me Big Grin

It "is what it is" and that does not provide equal outcomes for all, therefore it is not fair. The baseball analogy was the least of the outcomes juxtaposed. A child born with leukemia, or any other number of debilitating childhood diseases as opposed to a healthy child free of disease. There is nothing "fair" here, "it is what it is", but it 'aint fair.

We need to be encouraged to make the most of our circumstances, and maximize our individual strengths. Some will overcome the hardships that life has cast their way, others will stumble. We need to strive to be the best that we can be, but for some the road is paved and another the road is wrought with dangers, land mines literally, as well as figuratively.

Life is not "Fair". It is a Blessing, it is a privilege denied many, buy it none the less is not "Fair".
Last edited by floridafan
Sometimes life is not fair, but it is what it is. Sometimes we have the power to influence what is "unfair" and rebalance the scale: through work, intelligence, the kindness of others, opportunities, preparation, luck, maybe even by cheating (but I like to think karma will eventually find you and knock you two rungs lower than before.)

Life is an opportunity, a possibility, a never-ending series of questions that begin at sunrise each day. Each choice we make, each answer given to life's questions as we move through the minutes of the day, determine whether we accept what we are given or not. Some things must be accepted--fair or not they can't be changed. Some things can be changed and fate "shifted." By and large, we each decide if we are motivated and willing to do what is necessary to rebalance that scale. Every now and again, we get lucky or maybe someone steps in to help (a doctor, a relative, a stranger, a teacher, a social worker, a judge, a coach, etc.)

Or another possibility: we simply accept what we have and wish for nothing else. The idea of "unfairness" comes from comparing one set of circumstances to another. If one stops comparing and then hoping for something different, one stops thinking of what is unfair...

In all cases, it is easier to talk about what is unfair and harder to do something about it. I find that gripers aren't usually doers.
Last edited by quillgirl
Life is like poker. You work hard to get the odds in your favor and sometimes the 24:1 underdog still beats you. In the long run you'll win out by playing hard, smart and fair, and you just have to hope that you get to enjoy the long run.

It is also like pitching. You can throw the perfect pitch and the batter can somehow hit it over the fence, but if you've got good stuff and pitch smart, you'll win a lot more often than not.

Given that the holocaust happened nothing will ever convince me that life is fair but most of us have been very fortunate to have been born where and when we were and all we can do in life is work hard to shift the odds in our favor and from there whatever happens...happens.
Life is similar to a baseball game or season. Very rarely is it perfect. Some calls will go your way and some won't. The better prepared you are and your ability to adapt and adjust will usually determine how well it will go. If you don't try very hard it usually won't come out too well. Every now and then you get a lucky call. And at times there are bad slumps too.
Other than tradgedy life is what you make it. A person can sit on the sidelines and complain about what comes their way or get in the game it make the best of it.

I have a college friend from the ghetto in West Memphis. He was the first person in his family to go to high school. He graduated the valdedictorian. He graduated PBK from college in three years. He saw things outside his world he wanted and worked hard to get them. He understood the difference between obstacles and excuses.
Last edited by RJM
To some it is unfair, such as the kids born unable to walk, to see,to hear, or have other challenges in just living.
It is hard to not feel blessed when seeing the challenges others go through, on a daily basis. I sometimes have moments thinking about stuff being unfair, but videos such as the one above bring me back to the realization how blessed i am.

And how tough is the guy who helped that guy complete the Iron Man. TOUGH.
We can all cite things that are unfair if you want to take them that way

I had meningitis 7 times as a kid, 11 thru 21 years of age, and had to retire from a lucrative construction business career many years before I should have due to developing after effects ---is life unfair? I do not think so--I should have been dead before I turned 21 and here I am at 67, but still having a ball and working in baseball

I have not been able to continue in the construction business because of the late blooming after effects affecting my memory and thought process at times, but I can still "exist" and enjoy life---I learned to adapt !!!!

It aint easy but we make it work if we want to

Is life unfair? I guess that is up to you and how you look at it
My philosophy in life has been that you play the hand that you've been dealt. Now you can decide to let the cards fall where they may OR you can use your skill, your brain, your senses, your God given talent, and become creative in playing that hand, just like you would do in a card game. Would I have chosen the hand that was dealt to me back in 1949? Probably not. But I had to play it the best I knew how and maneuver around the obstacles, and there were plenty. But in spite of the hand I was dealt or maybe because of it, life for me and my family is great! And, I thank God everyday!

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