When I found the hsbbw ALL the talk was about how to make the high school baseball team or what we needed to do to start the recruiting process. I don’t recall any posters with sons playing professional baseball at that time. There were a few that sons were making the move to college but for the most part it was high school baseball parents and players exchanging information. Times have changed. Those high school players have gone to college and/or gotten drafted. Many old timers have passed the pre high school era, high school days, and even the college phase. At first glance it appears as if everything has changed but in reality things are just as they were. I just want to tell all the pre high school players and parent ---plus those starting the college recruiting phase that this is YOUR website. It was designed with the high school player as the center of focus. It is here to provide answers to those looking to unravel the mysteries of recruitment and those trying to make the high school team. We may be the parents of college or professional baseball players but we’re still the same people that had a young boy that wanted to make the high school team. We’re the same people that didn’t know what to do ---- but with the help of others we hung on through the bumpy ride. Someday your son may be playing college or professional baseball --- and someday my son will not. Until then we are all in this together ---- for you and your son.
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