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Originally posted by Eyeontheball:
Dash - that is what I was refering to. I couldn't recall the exact language, although I thought that one of the feet needed to cross the front of the rubber. That would be for NFHS, what about MLB? NCAA?

MLB (OBR): Windup - no restriction on the free foot. Set - free foot must be in front of the rubber.

NCAA: Windup - Pitcher must face (shoulders squared to) the batter, with the free foot not in front of the pivot foot. Set - chest generally facing the foul line, with the free foot in front of the pivot foot.

In FED (and only FED), the pitcher cannot attempt a pickoff from the windup position.
The idea that this would enhance velocity is silly.

There is an optimum stride length for each pitcher. That length will vary from pitcher to pitcher depending on body type and delivery type. But if he's short of his optimum at present, then by definition some length should be added. What's wrong with this video is that it suggests EVERYONE should lengthen their stride, when in reality some will already be at their optimums and some will already be overstriding as it is.

To the extent what they're trying to say is that standard teaching is wrong in pushing for more compact deliveries, I do disagree. Think of your body like a spring. If you uncoil it all at the start, the power is gone before the release point. The idea is to uncoil in a whip action peaking at release. To me the problem in the video is that the pitcher is already fully extended long before his release point. There is no power in that.

You may as well start swinging a bat by fully extending your arms at the elbows first and keeping them that way from start to finish.
You are missing the point of the whole drill. If you listen to the coach, it started out as a drill to get the kinetic and elastic energy moving forward TOWARD the plate. They then decided to teach it as a mechanic. I do disagree with the the foot placement because of a balance issue when placing in front of the rubber, however I agree with the philosophy. It is somewhat reminiscent of Ron Wolforth's Combat Pitching and is almost like his "step into" drill. The idea is to be more athletic on the mound and getting your energy on a straight line toward the plate...more of a linear motion then rotational, if you will. This enables the release point to be more consistent because it is more in line with the mitt for a longer period of time. When a young pitcher becomes "rotational", or pull in the wrong plane with their front side, it pulls the front shoulder off and the throw becomes rotational and the release point becomes more of a guess than a natural release. You'll start to notice this with young pitchers when they start to tire and their pitches become high. It will also flatten out their pitch and make them much more susceptable to neck pains from watching homeruns. Of course, this is only an opinion.
Originally posted by jetman:
Of course, this is only an opinion.

Might be just an opinion, but thats a darn thorough one....

To the mechanic, It never ceases to amaze me the amount of techniques that are taught as "the next great thing"... or "revolutionary and new"...

Yet....when they get to college and above.....its always back to the standard mechanics...

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