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I got this email today from a high level D1 school and I want to know if it shows legit interest. It reads as follows:

Dear Daniel,
I am (Insert assistant Coach Name) assistant baseball coach and camp coordinator at (Insert college name). I received your information from Head coach (Insert head coach's name). He has asked me to personally invite you to attend our upcoming summer baseball camps. We have several camps available all geared to different aspects of the game and I am sure you will find one that best suits your needs and desires. Take a moment to check out our website (Insert school website), click on baseball and you can find all the updates on (Insert school name) Baseball. Under camp information you will find detailed information for each of our camps offered this July. Once you find a camp that interests you, you can register online easily and it is reliable. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me back. Make your summer plans accordingly because we are looking forward to having you in (Insert school city) this July!
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If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me back

Call him ask them a few things, find out how they know of you, and what there plans are that invole you. Ask what camp is best to meet there goals for you. Ask if there going give you a tour of the campus and if they offer your major at there school.
Of course if its just for money and if you have money, camps can be fun and get you seen, if your a great ball player being seen helps.

And if your looking for ocean front property meet me at the boat ramp I'll take you out to some. Buy it or swim back is our moto.
BTW my son gets alot of these e mails, The ones that get me thinking come before or after a questioner and or e mail asking for a baseball scedule. Not all players get these but I found out, there mostly just ads for camps.
If you don't follow up how will you ever know, and if they did like you how will they know you liked them back.
we have got a few saying nothing about camps and on here I was told to just put them in a folder, i did but then followed up anyway found out they just wanted summer schedule, era, GPA update.
We will still go to camps even if it just for them to make money as there part of what we do for vacations. And a weekend of my son doing what he loves is worth the small fee for a weekend of baseball.
Last edited by GA SC Diamond
We have these letters from sixty schools – mostly the result of completing questionaires. I don’t look at them as personalized invites to camp. I don’t even think that they are crafted with the idea to fool anyone that they are personal. They are politely broadcasting opportunities to people who they believe to be interested in their program.

I’m positive that the coach in charge of mass-mailings doesn’t say “Hmmm….. this young freshman’s parents would have to shell out $500 on top of my $99 camp and do 28 hours of driving to be there.” The other thing is the whole money-maker issue. I’m guessing they bring in $10K to $15K before expenses for a day or two – every three months or so. Relative to their budgets… Big Whup!

They have provided you with the information to go and work with them for a day – that’s all. You either see value in it or you don’t.

Our travel program will definitely put us in front of lot of coaches at tournaments and showcases. Then again, I don’t think it’s going to give us a sense of the school or its coaches. I often wonder how we will ever get time off from the travel program to get to as many schools as we would like to. Our pitchers are still under light loads when most of the January/February camps are going on. In June and July, when a lot of the summer prospect camps are on, our kids are gone for weeks at a time with the travel team. Realistically, the best shot at attending one of these camps is skipping a weekend or two of the travel team’s fall ball.
Originally posted by DLOCK15:
I got this email today from a high level D1 school and I want to know if it shows legit interest. It reads as follows:

I received your information from Head coach (Insert head coach's name). He has asked me to personally invite you to attend our upcoming summer baseball camps.

I would probably agree with all of the responses on this post but with one clarification. If by Head Coach the letter writer is referring to the Head Coach of the College, then yes, this is a money maker. But if by Head Coach the writer is referring to your High School Head Coach, then you should first check with the HS Coach to see if any of it is true.

Just to be safe, I would write back that finances restrict your attendance but that you are very interested in XYZ school and hope to have another chance to show how you can help them.

Just call me overly cautious .....

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