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My 2018 is a week or so away from choosing a school. Every coach he talks to now asks who else he is talking to, and he tells them, figuring they have a good idea anyway.

He wants to mark off a couple of schools in which the coach has trash talked a rival school — they're not ambitious enough, they have lots of injuries, they force people out of their programs, etc.

Do coaches do that on a regular basis? Should he accept it and maybe investigate their allegations for himself, or does it say something about the character of the coach/school who does it?

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We have experienced the same recently and will second what 3and2 recommended. My son has only had a couple of coaches do this but he was turned off immediately. Had a scout recently that bad mouthed a school and said HC is on the bubble after rough season last year. My son's pitching coach is very well connected with that same school and had a good laugh about info shared with my son.

What exactly constitutes trash talking?  The comment above about forcing people out of the program could rise to that level, but not sure about the others mentioned.  But even with that type of situation of forcing kids out, there is a way to appropriately point out differences in a program where one might churn players (perhaps large freshman classes each year and sequentially smaller classes as you move up) as opposed to their program (maybe they have a couple of 5th year redshirts) - "forcing kids out" sounds cold but it could very well be true and probably not too hard to find out.  Personal attacks are a bad sign, but having a coach toss out some well intentioned bashing should not turn you off unless there are other personal characteristics of the coaching staff you find less than ideal.  They'd probably soon get fired if they said the other program was a perfect fit.

IowaMom - Through two sons, we heard all of that multiple times.  Frankly, I don't think it really affected us other than make us think a little more, and maybe investigate.  Actually, whether they were said or not, I asked plenty of experienced people about issues like the ones you mention about each school that was serious.  And then we decided if it mattered or not.

Or...we even asked the criticized coach/program if it was true or not?  Everyone critiqued Stanford for over-using pitchers - so I asked their head coach 1-on-1 about it.  Then it was our choice to let it affect us, or not.

Everyone critiqued certain schools about running off players.  So I asked each one of them if they would cut our son(s) if they didn't turn out to be good enough?  Watching body language was more important than the verbal answer, by the way.

Many said, 'The coach at BlankSchool U. won't be staying long so don't go there.'  So I asked all the coaches at BlankSchool U. if they would stay...or not?  (Again, body language was telling).

I don't see a good reason to be afraid of such things.  I'd just ignore it, investigate it...or ask about it.

College baseball is highly competitive (as you know) and once your son decides, it won't be the end of such comments about other schools/coaches (some are likely to come from your son) and about your son's own school/coach from teammates and parents.  Not until he graduates will it die down.

Last edited by justbaseball

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