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......and wouldn't you know....with it being finals week, son's team doesn't have a game  tomorrow (78 sunny) or Wednesday (80 sunny).   First week of the season with no Tuesday or Wednesday game lol    Weekend looks ok, 62 and sunny, which will still be 15+ degrees better than any game we've had since they returned from Spring Trip.   It's about time!!!!

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Iowamom23 posted:

We had our first parent meeting last night. Practice starts today, games start May 24. And yes, it's sunny and warm — 80 today!!!

Ahhh....summer HS ball in Iowa     Don't get too used to the weather lol, once your son hits college and you start watching games in February you'll know how we all feel lol.   Son's team isn't likely to make the conference tourney.....we're down to 11 games left in the season and I have seen one game in weather over 45 degrees

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