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My sons team started on January 20th and cuts will be posted this morning...its a shame anyone has to be cut...there's great talent from top to bottom on this years squad...They have cuts only a week into it because his league also allows 10 "tryout days prior to january 1"...they held the last of those the first week in December. The great thing about his school is that many of those "cut" players will be out playing again this summer and will be back on the HS field trying out again next year. Its a great baseball school with incredible tradition. We are back to doing baseball laundry everyday...which we really least for the time being
In Alabama we have 3 weeks of conditioning (ball and glove only and no drills) and then 3 weeks of full practice, which started today. 6:30 a.m. came early for senior son and then I have no idea what time he will be home from afternoon practice. One thing I do know, baseball keeps him constructively busy, hungry, tired and much easier to keep up with! Can't wait for the season to begin -- February 19.
Son's high school team started practice on January 2nd; 1st game will be February 10th. We have only seen the sun 4 times in 4 weeks; rain, rain, rain. They have been practicing indoors and a few days on the football field. It is sunny today, but will be raining tomorrow. Hopefully all this rain will move on in time for the season to start.
Our school has been having 8 man workouts but cann't start official practice until after tryouts. Those begin Feb 12-14. We’ve been fortunate and had real good weather for the 8 man workouts but now it has turned nasty this week and the highs are only going to be in the 40’s. Hope it warms back up soon as the first scrimmage is scheduled for Feb 17 and games start March 2.
Last edited by Michael'sDad
The weather here in Nor.California bright and sunny around 60 degress for first day of practice. So far this year we have had the least amount of rain for about 20 years. I am worried that the rain is holding off until the season starts just like last year. A wash out. Team meeting with the coach last Thursday to set ground rules and expectaions. Coach told the kids trying out for Varsity - 1st day of practice on Monday (today) and cuts on Tuesday. First game in 10 days. Son was a bit shocked. For us parents it is great as not much time to stress. Can't wait to see how today went. Practice shoud be over around 4:30 CA time.
Here in Ma, any spring sport can not start I believe until March 19th. After reading some of the posts and the early start dates of warmer climate baseball programs I have a few questions.

1. How many regular season games make up your season?
2. What happens to players that are still involved with fall sports?
3. When does the regular season end?

I guess you could call it northeast jealousy. Smile
In North Carolina, My sons high school regular season is comprised of 20 regular season games. That will be expanded by roughly 3 games by playing in an approved Easter/Spring Break tournament and there used to be a special HS association exemption that could get you another game. After that you have conference tournament games and playoffs. You can also schedule some preseason scrimmages.

Our high school's tryouts don't start until Feb 12th so fall sports are essentially over.

The regular season usually ends early in May. Then you have conference tournaments and playoffs which can last through most of the month of May.

One more thing, my son plays at a public school. Private schools have different rules and can play many more games. A friend of my son played for a private school and they ended up playing almost 50 games after the tournaments and playoffs were added in.
Last edited by Michael'sDad
In Virginia, first official day of Practice:
February 19. First game can be played on March 12. Come on, let's go!

Teams limited to 20 regular season games.
All districts have a post season tourney. Adding as as many as 4 more games.
Then regionals, again as many as 4 more games.
States= 3 rounds

So, the VA state champ and runner up could play as many as 31 games.......

I'm tired of the hot stove league. Let's PLAY BALL!
Last edited by jbbaseball
Our regular season practices begin full tilt on Feb 12, but the boys have been gathering on their own for about a month. Our first game is near the end of Feb. Varsity players here are allowed to play in 26 regular season games, excluding tournaments and play-offs which could add another 8 games or so. We've got 23 scheduled, but will probably end up with the full #. The season ends in mid-late May. We are a private school, but play in a division that includes public schools, so I guess that's why we follow the normal rules. As for fall sports, those are over. Winter sports like basketball and swimming are overlapping practices a little bit with play-offs, but won't interfer with the regular season.
Last edited by quillgirl
In KY, HS tryouts are on Feb 15th. My son's former HS has been conditioning all winter and will kick off practices immediately after the two day tryouts. Sometimes, they're able to get outside in Feb and sometimes have to practice in the indoor facility.

Their normal schedule is around 30 games, but if you go into playoffs very far, you can end up in the mid 40's.

Good luck to the Generals!! Smile
Here in Sunny Florida where the grass is still green we've been going at it since 1/14. I have a Son on Varsity and a Freshman who made the Freshman and JV team (he will get 3 games a week!). I get out to the field each day about 4:00 and enjoy the practice. I am almost afraid to say that I have not missed one yet! Eventually I will have to go back to working full about 3 years.
First game (preseason) is 2/8, then the real season begins the following week,

First scrimmage on Feb 10th – 3 tournaments – 1 round robin – 1 jamboree – 22 regular scheduled games, 10 of those are district games. Regular season ends on April 17th, then State playoffs begin, state playoffs end sometime in the middle of May before graduation and the end of the school year. Players involved in fall sports usually make a choice between basketball, track, and baseball, although there are players who have gone from basketball to baseball or basketball to track. These players just have to jump in a little late.
In California, the maximum regular season games is 24, but many enter tournaments and only the pool play games count against the number of games played. If a team advances past the pool rounds, they can get in as many as 30+ games in the regular season..Count in conference and sectional tournaments and many good teams can get in as many as 40 games. Our first game is February 14 and the regular season end the first week in May.
Here in Minne-Snow-ta, HS teams are not allowed to start official practices until mid-March, though the players get together for "open gym" for about a month before that.

My ballplayer is now in college, and this week their 6:30 am pitchers' practices began. He is not able to play this spring because of injury, so he is just there to help the younger pitchers (he is a junior). I think he was a little more excited about getting up that early the past two years when he could actually THROW! Wink
Here in Eastern Washington first practice is Feb. 26th. The weather is usually blustery and around the low-to-mid 40's but no one cares. I'll be there with my espresso getting a chuckle over the freshmen wanna-be's. Some of them wear hawaiin shorts and black socks, no hats, hair down past their shoulders and a brand new mitt.

My own son should be the #1 or #2 starter as a Junior this year. I don't know if he's more excited or me! Play ball!
Practice starts Feb 1 for our area in N. Ca but many of the players from last years varsity have been hard at it on their own in the cages and throwing bullpens. It's so great to see their excitment about the upcoming season, even the basketball players have been coming out for the unofficial practices. As a parent I'm thrilled to see the continued hard work and dedication of these boys, even without coach supervision since the coaches aren't allowed to be on the field yet. Hope everyone has a great season and really enjoys it.
Well for us it is almost "finally here". Son goes to first day of practice on Monday and finds out that the paper work has not been done and he can't practice. As it turns out this has happened to about 300 spring athletes. About 90% of those trying out for the BB team are having to wait for their papers to clear.

On the showing up for practice in hawaiin shirt, etc. At the first team meeting coach says to players show up in full uniform. First day of practice returning players (Jr. and Seniors)show up in basketball shorts and T shirts. Son shows up in full uniform, but again could not practice due to paper work. I told him I bet the coach noticed.

We are keeping our fingers crossed that the paper work was done today so he can hit the field. Son as a Soph. is trying to make varsity and is anxious to get started. It is a rumor that the AD held a meeting with all the spring coaches and instructed them not to hold missing practices against the kids as it was a administrative issue. Hope this is true. Weather is a bit cloudy around 60 degrees. A great day for practice.

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