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I so agree with you. Why does football get to practice during spring for 3 weeks and then again 3 weeks before their first scrimmage. It just goes to show you where footballs ranks in Texas vs Baseball in Texas???

I am just so glad the season is finally here! It seems like it has taken forever but I know it will go by so fast. When your son is a senior everything just goes zippety do dah!
Originally posted by T-Bird Dad:
Kids that play football and basketball at my son's HS got in trouble for missing a practice in one of those sports to go to baseball tryouts yeaterday.

Until there is revnue generated by a sport, that sport will suffer at the hands of the football bully.

Have the same problem at our high school. In fact, the kid that was probably going to be the starting CF for us this year actually quit baseball. The football coach told him that if he wanted to be the starting QB next year... he'd better make his choice now!
Originally posted by momandcpa:
Originally posted by T-Bird Dad:
Kids that play football and basketball at my son's HS got in trouble for missing a practice in one of those sports to go to baseball tryouts yeaterday.

Until there is revnue generated by a sport, that sport will suffer at the hands of the football bully.

Have the same problem at our high school. In fact, the kid that was probably going to be the starting CF for us this year actually quit baseball. The football coach told him that if he wanted to be the starting QB next year... he'd better make his choice now!

That's pretty Chicken Sh*t of that Coach to do that. I wouldn't stand for that if I was his parent. You only have so many years in life to play ball and have fun. If you can play and be sucessful at both sports and keep your grades good I dont see the issue. It shouldn't be some Coaches choice
My son was also told to choose because he had to be at 7 on 7 during this summer. This is his Jr. year and summer baseball comes first so he quit football. It was not easy to see him give up football but I do believe it is for the best.

The football coaches always talk about two sports are not a problem until it comes time for off season. What really makes them mad is if the baseball team makes the playoffs and it gets into spring football. They have all sorts of ways to apply presure to the kids and it can make it very hard on them at school.
The sad part in this equation is that other sports like Basketball, baseball, track, etc. have to play by the rules and get the players when they can.

King football is another story, not only do they want you during the fall; they don't allow you to practice until after spring drills. Only exception is game day.

Now, I understand some districts may comply; but for the most part we have all fallen under this umbrella.

Back in the old days, you played football for 3 months, basketball for 3, then baseball for 3. Now, if you play football you play for 9 months.
One of my former students, a Keller boy, got a dual scholarship in football and baseball to Texas A&M. After his junior year in football (at A&M) the Houston Texans signed him. He told them of his love for baseball and how he wanted to pursue that dream. After his junior year in baseball he signed with the Anaheim Angels. The Texans gave him 5 years to play baseball and make up his mind as to which sport he wanted to pursue. He's with the Angels AAA team and this will be his last season before he has to choose.

Why is it that a major university and two professional sports teams can work together and high school coaches can't?

I realize this isn't the norm. Maybe it should be.
Last edited by collikar
What I have to say is along those lines. Our starting centerfielder was also a running back/linebacker on our football team. He was recruited by teams like Colorado. Our football coach told him that if he wanted to start on the football team then his high school baseball career was over. Needless to say he quit on the spot.

On another note, you wouldn't believe how many quality (and highly recruited) football players quit the football program after this season strictly because their head coach made them want to...
I don't think in most schools it is a battle for kids to play multiple sports. In our school (Longview Pine Tree) I have had two sons play multiple sports - football / basketball and football / baseball - and they got nothing but support from the football coach/AD.

Let's don't paint ALL football coaches / AD's with such a broad brush that they don't want the kids to play multiple sports. My boys have had the high school dream of playing different high school sports and at least around here in East Texas that is how it is in most high schools. The "year round baseball only" players (or football only) are rare around here - thank goodness.
I agree with you, crawdad. My son's school is like that also. Multiple sports always encouraged, and the coaches work it out. My son is doing off season football right now, baseball, and even running on a track relay. No, we're not tops in state in everything, (I think only Southlake has that distinction) but our football team made it to the final four in 5A and our track team was State runner-up and our girls softball team state champs. Several of these kids are involved in music groups as well. It can be done and makes for some great high school experiences, memories, and influences from more than just one or two coaches.

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